von BK-Bob | 09.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Torben Ryde: The Archer Kickstarter

Auf Kickstarter ist aktuell ein Bogenschütze unterwegs.

The Archer – A Torben Ryde miniature display sculpt

Presenting the most recent creation from Torben Ryde – The Archer. This sculpt won best of figure at Monte San Savino 2023.

We’re proud to present to you The Archer – the latest sculpt from Torben Ryde. 

This amazing hand sculpted figure won best of sculpting in the Monte San Savino show 2023. And now you have the exclusive opportunity to own a resin cast of this beautiful sculpt! Any production and selling of this model is strictly limited to this Kickstarter and STL’s will not be available. In this Kickstarter campaign, you will have the opportunity to buy ‚The Archer‘ as well as Torben Rydes ‚Bersærk‘ as an add-on. Read more about that below.

Enjoy these pictures of the boxart painted by Malte Dueholm @watchpaintdry_minis and the original sculpt handsculpted by Torben Ryde:

The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 1 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 2 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 3 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 4 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 5 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 6 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 7 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 8 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 9 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 10 The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 11

For a closer look at the resin kit and the assembly proces check out this video:

Stretch Goals:

The Archer A Torben Ryde Miniature Display Sculpt 12

Having unlocked the video masterclass stretch goal we’re excited to show you this teaser for the masterclass:

We hope you’ll enjoy this 2,5 hour masterclass with thorough painting instructions.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: The Archer – A Torben Ryde miniature display sculpt


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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