von BK-Bob | 25.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

The Art of…: Band 10-12 Kickstarter

Bei den neusten The Art of… Bücher gibt es unter anderem auch eines für Roman Lappat.

THE ART OF… Volumes 10-12

The next three volumes in a series of books about wonderful miniatures art – featuring Roman Lappat, Sam Lenz, and Josua Lai!

THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 1 1 THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 1 2 THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 1 3


For more than 30 years I have spent a great deal of time talking with hundreds of artists who paint miniatures – for fun, for a living, for relaxation – and I am always intrigued to learn more about their philosophies, approaches, and processes. Some of these artists have spent decades refining their technical skills, while others bring their “traditional” art training to the miniatures world. Some draw inspiration from the most unusual of places, while others find it in popular culture turned on its head.

THE ART OF… series of books will highlight fantastic miniatures artists from around the world, bringing their thoughts and passions to stand alongside their magnificent and inspirational work. We’ll be featuring both individuals and groups in this series, as we explore innovative approaches, studied refinements, and even tangential influences.

These books are a celebration of the artist and their art, as well as an opportunity for them to present their thoughts on particular topics and let the world know why they approach their art the way they do. These are not typically “How To” books, but rather complements to their existing outlets and work that the artists are already doing.

Following 2021’s2022’s, and 2023’s successful Kickstarter campaigns, this campaign continues to strengthen THE ART OF… series. With so many wonderful miniatures artists, there is so much potential to explore.


You can download a „Nine Volume Sampler“ PDF HERE, to see how each artist has presented their work and their thoughts.

Volume 10 – THE ART OF… Roman Lappat

Roman Lappat, from Germany, is one of the most renowned miniatures artists and  experienced mentors in the miniatures world. With the heart of a true artist, he approaches his many and varied creations with an incredible passion. Roman lights the way for other artists who aspire to new creative heights. Roman’s creativity, his emotional approach, strong story-telling, and his impactful, characterful brushstrokes help him to always take his art a bit further.

Volume 10 will include:

  • Miniature Painting: A way of life – An Introduction to Roman’s career in miniatures art
  • Growth: How to find and release your inner artist – A study of creativity and understanding your own creative power, as well as exploring emotion and connecting your feelings with your painting, plus storytelling and what truly matters for great dioramas!
  • Happy Painting – Understanding your own painting joy


Volume 11 – THE ART OF… Sam Lenz

Sam Lenz, a heavy metal painting wizard from the US, has been kicking down doors and taking names for many years now. A tall man walking a long, creative path, and every piece is a chance to experiment. His long love for the craft shows in his work on a wide variety of stylish, award-winning work.
• Big Basing – Every selection is a piece of a larger story outside of the scene.
•Variety In All Things – Every piece is a chance to experiment and heed the call of inspiration.
• Pulling Down The Sky – A close look at combining two-dimensional work with three-dimensional figures.


Volume 12 – THE ART OF… Josua Lai

Josua Lai, from Switzerland, grabs attention with his exquisite environmental scenes. Creating small and perfectly-formed slices of worlds – both real and imagined – is his signature look, and his work brilliantly conveys the emotions behind the moments he captures.

Volume 12 will include:

• Planning and Design – Josua’s approach to diorama planning and design, from concept to layout.
• Building Techniques – Different building techniques: sculpting, 3D printing, modelling and assembling miniature elements.

• Creating atmosphere and mood in dioramas – Using negative space to create specific emotions or moods as well as the importance of storytelling and incorporating narrative elements.



During the campaign, you’ll be able to see our authors talking to various people about  THE ART OF… series, and their books in particular. We’ll add those sources here as they go live.

Sam Lenz on Build Paint Play – HERE

Roman Lappat and Josua Lai on Build Paint Play – Coming Soon

Roman Lappat on the Brush Wielders Union podcast – Coming Soon

Dave Taylor on Listening to Paint Dry – Coming Soon

Tommie Soule on The Painting Phase – Coming Soon

Stretch Goals:

THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 2 1 THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 2 2 THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 2 3


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THE ART OF... Volumes 10 12 4

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: THE ART OF… Volumes 10-12


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Das von Roman Lappat hätte ich schon mal gerne, aber die 18$ Versandkosten machen leider das Ganze einfach zu teuer… Wird es irgendwie ins Handel kommen?

    • Also die anderen Ausgaben sind nach einer Weile in deutschen Läden \ inet-Läden gelandet.
      Ich meine in Nürnberg in einem Fachgeschäft und in Berlin in einem Feld-Geschäft stand ich davor.
      Msn muss nur vlt etwas warten.

      Ansonsten, aus dem ersten Kickstarter berichtet, wer das Medium Buch mag und Bücher über unser Hobby gern in die Hand nimmt – diese hier sind schon toll. Gute Qualität, fühlen sich wertig an. Inhalt depends in Artist – Da muss man vorher wissen (inet, insta) dasa man die Arbeit von den Leuten gut findet.

      • Da gebe ich dir absolut Recht 👍. Besser vorher sich die Künstler anschauen und Infos hollen.

        Nicht alle Bücher behandeln Tabletop Minis oder Gelände

    • Hallo
      Ja man kann die auch bei Berliner Zinnfiguren ( de)
      Shop kaufen . Die haben alle aus der Reihe aufgenommen und bestellen auch regelmäßig wieder nach 😃

      • Man sollte nur beim Preis die Augen offen halten. Bei Berliner Zinnfiguren kostet z.B. Band 7 der „The Art of…“ Reihe fast 60€ (nicht alle, aber einige sind sehr teuer, warum auch immer), bei Warlord Games direkt nur 32,50€, eigentlich sollte jeder Shop der Produkte von Warlord Games führt, auch die Bücher bestellen können.

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