von BK-Bob | 16.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Tales of the Old World: The Exiles strike back! Kickstarter

Der erste Kickstarter von Chiafele Giuseppe ist angelaufen.

Tales of the Old World: The Exiles strike back!

Tales Of The Old World The Exiles Strike Back 1

A set of heroic 28mm models for your warband and armies by Axia miniatures! Pre-supported digital files and 3d printed resin models!

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Tales of the Old World is a line of heroic 28mm models set in a low fantasy, European Middle Ages inspired world where legends and folklore are as real as the rising and setting of the sun. Its focus is not on glorious warriors and monsters alone – but on the less common and more mundane inhabitants as well, such as NPCs and civilians, who go about their normal lives as best they can while wars and raids rage about them.

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With your Pledge you get the starting Warband of 12 models plus ALL unlocked Stretch Goals in either format you choose (Digital or Resin). Review the range included at launch below, where empty spaces will be pbopulated as the campaign unfolds:

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Background by Jon Hodgson Backdrops

This is the Tale of a Town that was. Once the realm’s beautiful capital, full of life and hope, it was torn asunder at its zenith by the devouring tides of war and pestilence. It began with what is now committed to the annals as the „Dawn of the Dead“, a very sad day when a once great mage turned to ruinous powers and plotted dark pacts in the shadows with them in order to overtake the capital.

Overcoming bitter challenges, order was almost completely restored as his threat was fought back, when an unnatural plague invaded the Town, its yellowish miasma eating alive all the innocent souls trying to hide and all the warriors desperately vying to take control in the final moments of the conflict. As the dust settled, nothing lay bare but an empty shell, the roads carpeted in bones and broken weapons, buildings plastered in bloods, remains and bodies convulsing in cellars used to hide or as last bastions. All that stood of the once beautiful forest was a desolate landscape of dead trees and decaying stumps, painting a gargantuan open cemetery over what was once the realm’s most blissful, thriving dwelling.

It didn’t take long for all nearby towns and settlements to hear about what was happening in the biggest city of the region. Scouts were ordered forth to witness and report on the real situation. The Tales could not, indeed, be true, right? It was soon determined that in the wake of this cataclysm, reality surpassed even the worst horrors imaginable and the scouts reported the direst of tales, some so shaken they struggled to surmise what could have brought about the devastation they had witnessed among the mounds of dead in the streets.

What was to be done at this time? Abandon the most strategic location, allowing it to be but a black mark on the map? Venture forth to seek another town on which to rebuild the capital? Seek to found a new, greater capital anew? Many and more absurd proposals were feverishly discussed and debated in the Council of Settlements – until one voice, stern and full of authority, rose loud amidst the chatter:

„We will retake control of that place. We shall cleanse, secure, rebuild it. We, who were once banished for our ideas, will return there to again take our place as Guardians of the Western Fortress. The same ideas that doomed us, may instead save that place that dwells so sacred within us. This is our Duty and this is the Only Reason we still exist as an order, even if Exiled. Endure. Evolve. Survive. Overcome. This is Our Creed and the annals will write the Tales of our triumph in the centuries ahead of us.“

And with these words, the decision was made. The Order of the Exiled knights would muster and lead a cleansing expedition, beginning in the very place they were banned: the Western Fortress.

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Our range of models are referred to as the „heroic“ scale (28mm / 32mm). As seen in the image below, they match both in scale and style some of the most famous wargames miniatures on the market! If you want to make them compatible with older games, I suggest printing them at 95% size. Please note that these are the same quality of the models that you will receive!

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Resin models for this campaign are manufactured by Madn3ss Casting Studio. Their 3D printing methodology produces amazingly crisp, resilient and exquisitely detailed models, just like those shown below. Our artisan sculpting and support approach also produces a combination of engineering and tabs requiring less cleaning, less damage to models while removing them from supports, no mold lines to file nor residue to wash prior to priming, delivering to you some of the most user friendly and environmentally conscious models available on the market!

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STL (stereolithography) files will be available exclusively MyMiniFactory’s industry leading Pledge Manager digital fulfillment platform. Accounts are created on the platform at no charge, with their lighting fast cloud storage solution offering you access to your miniatures anytime you like. Plus, you’ll get the latest version of any updates to the Tales of the Old World range automatically today as well as in the future.

You will receive the following digital formats:

  • STL (.STL) (unsupported – both with and without tab)
  • OBJ (.OBJ) (pre-supported)
  • Lychee (.LYS) project with customizable supports.

This is my gift to you to ensure complete customization of the supports, while maintaining models scaling in the OBJ file. Pre-supported models are supplied with the tab just like the resin models, ensuring less support to clean, less bits to keep track of and making printing and storing your miniatures a breeze!

All models have been test printed TWICE, on two different continents to ensure various environments, temperatures and printers produce incredible prints, before files were submitted the manufacturer for final proof.

Rewards will be delivered digitally within 30 days of the end of the campaign (to the emails where the Kickstarter and MyMiniFactory account emails match, as noted below).

No commercial license is offered in this campaign.
All miniatures are offered under an exclusive, non-transferable and personal use license only.

Stretch Goals:

Stretch goals will be unlocked as the Milestones below are achieved. ALL new unlocked models are included AUTOMATICALLY to your chosen Pledge – no extra fees, confusing options nor chance of missing out!

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Models will be shipped from Italy byMadn3ss Casting Studio.

You will receive a tracking number for each shipment and every shipment is insured. Price of shipping is per warband, each one supplied in a box with models packed one by one in separate bags and bubble wrap, to ensure that you will not miss any piece or get damaged models.

The shipping is going to be taken AFTER the Kickstarter,  so is not included in your pledge – please don’t add it to your total, you will have to add shippings only in the Pledge Manager.It’s going to be worked out via weight through the Axia painting web storeWe use tracked and insured shipping. 

Below is an estimateto give you an idea of the likely shipping charge a single warband will incur.

Italy10 Euro

EU: 16 Euro

UK20 Euro

Rest of the World:30-35 Euro

GROUP BUYS: for backers outside EU we encourage group buys, since shipping for each additional warband after the first isjust 5 euro (you can add up to 4 warbands in this way)

Ex EU import charges will be the responsibility of the Backer and charged by local authorities independently of the Creator.

NOTEA few members of the community have different emails they use for different platforms, so where emails on crowdfunding and digital fulfillment platforms differ, manual distribution will take place after all backers who have the same email on both platforms have received their files. We estimate this at approximately ten business of days of the closure of the Pledge Manager.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: Tales of the Old World: The Exiles strike back!


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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