von BK-Christian | 19.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Tales of the Old World: A New Hunt Kickstarter

Aktuell werden wieder Modelle im Stil der Alten Welt auf Kickstarter finanziert.

Tales of the Old World is a line ofheroic 28mm models set in a Low Fantasy, European Middle Ages inspired world where legends and folklore are as real as the rising and setting of the sun. Its focus is not on glorious warriors and monsters alone – but on the less common and more mundane inhabitants as well, such as NPCs and Civilians, who go about their normal lives as best they can while wars and raids rage about them.

While the First Project, „The Exiles strike back!“ the focus was on not-so shiny knights with the vow to take back the Western Fortress, this second Kickstarter is about an even darker and more grim theme: the Hunters of the Heretics, the Explorers of the Underdark and the sinister ruins, the implacable Hunters of both Witches and Wretches: The Witch Scourgers.

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This section is to sum up all the updates and main points of the campaign in one place.


  • 6 free models for both physical and digital pledges;
  •  animal companions for both physical and digital pledges;
  • 2 painting guides for ALL pledges (including 1 euro pledge)

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ADD-ONS: These models are not part of the core warband, being developed in a second moment with the objective of being the biggest and coolest models of the squad; without limits of printability or budget that comes with production of the core warband, I was able to make models that truly stand out in terms of size and style! During the kickstarter you will be able to purchase them for a small extra amount to your pledge, that is still at least 25% cheaper than RPP.

YOU CAN ADD THEM TO YOUR PLEDGE IN ANY MOMENT, both during campaign and in pledge manager. Adding them now will contribute to unlock more models!

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With your Pledge you get the starting Warband of 12 models plus 6 free unlockable Stretch Goals in either format you choose (Digital or Resin). Review the range included at launch below, where empty spaces will be populated as the campaign unfolds.

On top of that there are some Extra Models marked as ADD-ONS: these are models that are not part of the core warband, but can be purchased, adding the required extra amount as indicated in the guide in the ADD-ONS section.

Close ups available here: Facebook

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For both digital and physical backers, I have another suprise: ALL EARLY BIRD BACKERS will get  an EXTRA FREE MODEL! The Prophet below:

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this Minature is free for all Early Backer – however can be added later as add-on

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The Western Fortress has been conquered. It took a long time and lots of losses from the Exiled knights, especially for the Men at Arms of the „Rust Heads“, their pole arms and light armour didn’t offer great protection in the confined spaces of the fortress itself or in the catacombs below. More often than not, they acted as a mere distraction to give time to the more heavily armoured and armed knights to encircle the numerous horrors of the Underdark and undeads that got hold of the fortress itself. Obscene symbols and mutilated corpses were a clear sign that Ruinous Powers were behind the first fall of the City and that the fortress, even being a stronghold for them, wasn’t the only foothold. Lots of scattered parchments lead to another part of the City: the Dockyard quarter. Seemingly something had happened there too, while their attention was focused on the cemetery; something more subtle that hid the downfall behind a veil of magic and deception. 

While the Exiled Knights excel in fighting enemies head on, sniffing them out is not part of their expertise. The high losses also confirm that a more subtle and more strategic approach is needed. And so, Lord Cecil, has decided to send a message back to the Council of Settlements asking to send their Mastiffs: the „Witch Scourgers“. They have one mission and one mission only: find out who is really behind the Dawn of the Dead.

The Witch Scourgers, are the secret Left Red Hand of the Council of Settlements, they discretly patrol the region, rooting out sedition and heresy before it can take hold of the minds of the loyal inhabitants of the region. Lead by the Inquisitor Generalis, this secret organization intervenes wherever needed. Her right hand, Deacan Ludwille is her eyes and hears within the nobility of the region, especially after her twin sister disappeared during the Dawn of the Dead, strenghtening her resolve to burn and absolve (not always in this order) all the fools behind that. For this very reason she took Uruk the Ogre exectutioner and Owlivia under her protective wing, two refugees of the old City, who escaped only due to sheer luck and not without injuries: between the two of them only on eye leads them forward. In exchange for protection Uruk lends his strong arm and his huge „chopper –  THE ABSOLVER“, to help Ludwille in her quest.

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Stretch goals will be unlocked as the Milestones below are achieved. ALL new unlocked models are included AUTOMATICALLY in your chosen Pledge – no extra fees, confusing options nor chance of missing out!

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These models are not part of the core warband, being developed in a second moment with the objective of being the biggest and coolest models of the squad; without limits of printability or budget that comes with production of the core warband, I was able to make models that truly stand out in terms of size and style! During the kickstarter you will be able to purchase them for a small extra amount to your pledge, that is still at least 25% cheaper than RPP.

In this section you can also find close-ups of models from previous campaigns, shown below, that can be added to your pledge both for the DIGITAL or PHYSICAL version, at a discounted Kickstarter Special Price.

If you are new to Kickstarter, you can follow the Guide about how to add ADD-ONS to your pledge shown below the available add-ons.

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Exiled Knights Core Warband – NAB001

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  • Duke Cecil Guidbauld – NAX019
  • Count Siemenzan -NAX020
  • Attacking Duke Cecil Guidbauld – NAX021
  • Attacking Duke Cecil Guidbauld – NAX021 ALTERNATIVE WEAPON INCLUDED

Die Kampagne endet in 6 Tagen und ist finanziert.

Quelle: Tales of the Old World: A New Hunt


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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