von BK-Bob | 07.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop World: Realm of Altburg – Farmstead

Der Bauernhof von Tabletop World ist nun bei Kickstarter live.

Tabletop World’s Realm of Altburg – Farmstead

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3D printed resin kits suitable for wargames, RPG’s and dioramas!

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Welcome back guys! And welcome new fellow hobbyists! It’s time to continue our journey of building the Realm of Altburg! Now that we have a nice foundation for our village in form of a couple of Cottages, let’s expand it with a Farmstead!

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For those who are not familiar with the project, the idea is to have a series of kickstarters which will eventually lead to creating a wide range of new models that will be plentiful enough to create a massive gaming board/diorama representing the Realm of Altburg! Each kickstarter project is symbolically represented on the map. The one that is currently running is marked with an arrow while those that are already completed are marked with a tick. With each successful campaign you join, you are claiming new piece of land by owning the structures featured on it, just like in monopoly. 😀 The more land you own, greater the status and with that come the perks! In other words, the more kickstarter projects you back, greater the cumulative bonuses for you! 😉 
By joining these campaigns you are helping us create a new line of tabletop terrain of the highest quality suitable for miniatures that are in 28-32 mm range. From day one, our goal is to take your gaming experience to a new level by making your gaming tables truly alive! It goes without saying that our models are perfect for creating dioramas and display bases as well. 


The Farmstead consists of the Farmhouse itself and all the supporting facilities like Stable, Pigsty, Chicken Coop, Outhouse, etc. It will complement the Cottages perfectly!


Farmhouse is the main feature of the Farmstead. It is the home of the farmer and his family. The building consists of the ground floor as well as the upper floor in the attic. On the ground floor you will find the living room which is slightly elevated from the ground, and the storage room that can be accessed from the outside through the separate doors. In the upper floor are the sleeping quarters and it’s main feature is a big beautiful dormer window. Attached to the right side of the building is an open shed.

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Farmhouse kit consists of 33 parts, and is valued at $72. For our backers 64 magnets for all the hinges and a sheet of transparent plastic for windows glass are FREE!


Essential for any Farmstead, a Stable is a building in which livestock is kept. It most commonly means a building that is divided into separate stalls for individual animals.

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Stable kit consists of 16 parts, and is valued at $34. For our backers 8 magnets for all the hinges are FREE!


This small-scale outdoor enclosure is perfect for raising domestic pigs as livestock. Stone corral is filed with bare dirt and mud for your pigs to roll in and cool down. 🙂

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Pigsty structure without a corral makes a perfect Shed! Inside you can store the tools and equipment needed to run the farm.

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Pigsty kit consists of 22 parts, and is valued at $38. For our backers 12 magnets for all the hinges are FREE!

Chicken Coop

Keep your chicken safe and cozy in the Chicken Coop! The coop is elevated from the ground to discourage terrestrial threats.

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Chicken Coop kit consists of 10 parts, and is valued at $14. For our backers 4 magnets for all the hinges are FREE!


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To make your Farmhouse cozy and recreate the scenes from the photos, we have prepared for you this beautiful accessories kit that will make any rural scene alive.

Accessories kit consists of 61 parts, and is valued at $25. For our backers 10 magnets for all the hinges are FREE!

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Like the houses, the cabinets are interactive as well! Great for storing goods or hiding objectives in different scenarios for your players. 🙂

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Rural Fences

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Using Fences is a great way to make enclosure for your animals or farming fields. Much like Rural Walls in our last campaign, the Fences give you endless possibilities with all the different sections! Also you can combine Rural Fences with Rural Walls to make your walls and fences even more interesting.

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This core set contains:

  • 8 straight sections
  • 3 double straight sections
  • 1 gates section
  • 2 ending pillars

In total that is 15 parts valued at $25. For our backers 4 magnets for all the hinges are FREE!
Note that there will be plenty more different sections in the pledge manager for you to choose from and expand the core set if you want to.


Small structure, separate from a main building, used as a toilet. Alternatively, you can use it as a small tool shed or even a forest shelter maybe.

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Outhouse kit consists of 3 parts, and is valued at $14. For our backers 4 magnets for all the hinges are FREE!

Water Well 2

A source of water for your villagers and townsfolk. You can newer have to many water wells. 🙂

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Water Well 2 kit consists of 5 parts, and is valued at $10.

Water Well 2 kit contains an extension that allows you to make a deep or flat version.

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  • Deep version is intended to be partially sunk into the surface of the gaming board or display base, making it look more realistic. It is also closed at the bottom so you can pour water effect inside.
  • Flat version, while it lacks the depth, it is more versatile then the deep version because it can be placed anywhere at any time.

Wayside Shrine

Placed by a road or pathway, sometimes in a settlement or at a crossroads, but often in the middle of an empty stretch of country road, or at the top of a hill or mountain. It features patron saint of Altburg.

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Shrine kit consists of 4 parts, and is valued at $7.

Interactive Models

As in the previous kickstarter, while created in a larger 32mm scale, the models also fit 28mm models beautifully and give room to move models around the fully playable interior. All the doors and window shutters are hinged using magnets and fully functional!  Magnetized hinges also prevents them from braking. More then ever attention is given to design. Model also feature see-through windows that are fully functional! The windows are designed in a way that a transparent sheet of plastic is inserted in them to represent the window glass. Aside from that, every window can be opened or closed, not only shutters! This makes the model look very realistic and gives you opportunity to play with light effects. If you want active chimney, preparations are made for you to install the smoke machine.


We have two pledge levels in this campaign, FARMHOUSE and ALL IN.


Valued at $72 and consists of the following:

  • Farmhouse
  • Access to purchase all add-ons

All In

Valued at $239 and consists of the following:

  • Farmhouse
  • Stable
  • Pigsty
  • Chicken Coop
  • Accessories
  • Fences
  • Outhouse
  • Water Well 2
  • Wayside Shrine
  • Access to purchase all add-ons

Once you have chosen a Pledge Level (reward), you can choose to include as many add-ons to your pledge as you like.

Stretch Goals:

Stretch Goal 1 UNLOCKED

At 40K we unlocked the first freebie! The Birdhouse! „All In“ backers get both the birdhouse on the branch and the free standing Birdhouse, while the „Farmhouse“ backers get the free standing Birdhouse. Both of these are Kickstarter exclusive and will not be available in regular sale!

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Stretch Goal 2 UNLOCKED

At 50K we unlocked Crows and a Signpost with Crows! „All In“ backers get both the Crows and the Signpost with Crows, while the „Farmhouse“ backers get the Crows. Both of these are freebies for backers and Kickstarter exclusive items that won’t be available in regular sale!

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Stretch Goal 3 UNLOCKED

At 60K we unlocked the first painting tutorial in which we will share the recipe we use to paint stone on rural buildings. You can expect the video tutorial by the end of campaign!

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Stretch Goal 4 LOCKED

At 70K we will reveal more freebies for our backers! 🙂

Die Kampagne ist bereits finaniziert und läuft noch 16 Tage.

Quelle: Tabletop World’s Realm of Altburg – Farmstead


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Sieht schon gut aus. Aber die Sachen leben auch von der Bemalung. Hab damals bei dem Markt KS mitgemacht und war erstaunt wie simpel die doch modelliert waren. Den Rest machte die sehr gute Bemalung.

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