von BK-Jonah | 26.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Tabletop Terrain: „UnderRealm – The Lost City“ im Kickstarter

Auf Kickstarter gibt es magisches Gelände von Tabletop Terrain.

UnderRealm – The Lost City

3D Printable STL Files, Terrain for Tabletop, Role Playing Games, Wargames and RPG

Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 1

Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 2

Beneath the surface lies the Underrealm, a forgotten city once thriving at the heart of a prosperous kingdom. Abandoned by its rulers and buried in myth, this subterranean metropolis is now a shadow of its former self—haunted by the remnants of an ancient civilization and overrun by strange, dangerous creatures. The towering ruins and crumbling architecture hold untold treasures for those brave enough to explore, but every step deeper brings adventurers closer to the unknown dangers that lurk in the darkness.

Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 3

Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 4

This campaign features three colossal, intricately designed buildings, perfect for creating immersive and dynamic tabletop experiences. Each structure is crafted to maximize play area, allowing for sprawling encounters and strategic gameplay. Whether your party is navigating the remnants of an ancient stronghold or battling enemies atop towering ruins, these buildings offer endless opportunities for exploration and adventure in the depths of the Underrealm.

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Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 8

The Dusk Tower stands as the stronghold in the heart of the Underrealm, a monumental structure that stretches from the cavern floor to the ceiling above. Its walls, hewn from ancient stone and reinforced with dark iron. The tower’s design harnesses the ethereal glow of bioluminescent fungi, casting a soft, eerie light that illuminates the shadowy realm

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The Dusk Court Chamber is an imposing and solum space within designed for the queen of the Umbra, who cloaked in the deep shadows of authority, listens intently, weighing each word with the gravity it deserves. The Dusk Court Chamber is not just a place of governance; it is a stage where power dynamics play out, secrets are unveiled, and the delicate balance of Umbra society is maintained. Here, every audience holds the potential for alliances or betrayals, as the line between loyalty and ambition blurs in the flickering shadows.

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The Undercap Tavern is a mysterious yet welcoming establishment nestled within a massive cluster of bioluminescent mushrooms in the heart of the Underrealm. This unique tavern is constructed from the very fungi that surround it, with its walls and ceilings formed from the sturdy caps and stems of the mushrooms, creating a cozy, organic atmosphere. The soft, ambient glow of the mushrooms casts enchanting patterns across the interior, illuminating the lively conversations and laughter that echo within.

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Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 18

The Nocturn Citadel is a stunning stronghold embedded in the cavern walls of the Underrealm, its obsidian structure seamlessly merging with the surrounding rock. Beneath it lies a cave enterance that serves as a lair for the citadel’s guardian spiders—massive, ethereal arachnids that weave intricate webs to ensnare intruders.

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The Capstone Cottage is a quaint mushroom dwelling nestled within the vibrant underbrush of the Underrealm, its rounded roof formed from the cap of a massive bioluminescent mushroom. The crystals, embedded in the earth and nestled among the roots of the surrounding fungi, are said to amplify the witch’s magical abilities and serve as a source of mystical energy.

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The Cavern Home is a modest yet sturdy dwelling typical of the everyday citizens of the Underrealm. Carved directly from the stone of the cavern walls, these small houses blend seamlessly into their rocky surroundings, providing both shelter and protection from the elements.

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Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 31

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Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 37

Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 38

Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 39

More Stretch Goals will be added if we surpass our funding goal!!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What if I don’t have a 3D Printer but want to purchase the files to get prints made?

If you don’t have a printer don’t worry! Please send us a message and following the campaign we will put you in touch with one of our Merchant Backers who can help you get your town printed!

When will the files be delivered?

The files will be delivered approximately 2-3 weeks after the campaign ends (as soon as we get the final backer list from Kickstarter).

How will the files be delivered?

The files will be delivered via Kickstarter messages and also on MyMiniFactory! They will automatically be added to your MMF library and always remain there for any future downloads.

Add-On Files!!

If you want to get some of our previous campaigns with your UnderRealm set, you can get them through this campaign at a limited time discount! When you go to complete your pledge, you will see the option to add on any of the file sets below!

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Tabletop Terrain Underrealm The Lost City Gelände Kickstarter 44

Quelle: Tabletop Terrain auf Kickstarter


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Vielleicht liegt es an der Bemalung, aber irgendwie holt mich das nicht ab. Aber ich bin eh kein Zielpublikum, ich hab keinen Drucker

    • Ja, so richtiges Menzoberranzan Gefühl kommt bei der Bemalung nicht auf.
      Aber ich denke, da lässt sich trotzdem was draus machen.
      Doch Gelände und Drucker ist jetzt auch nicht so meine Kombination.

  • Ich finde, es wirkt total beliebig zusammengestellt. Die Stile total unterschiedlich. Am besten gefallen mir die Illustrationen in den Stretch Goals zu dem Villagers House, Witches Hut und so.

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