von BK-Rafael | 18.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon, Science-Fiction

Tablehammer: Toorts Vorschau

Tablehammer zeigen eine Vorschau ihrer Toorts Modelle.

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We have something special for you in may: Get ready for the TOORTS! We will post updates on these bad guys almost daily, keep your printers warm!
„In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst the twinkling stars and swirling nebulae, a new force emerges – the indomitable Toorts. With beaks sharp as the keenest blade and skins adorned with the rugged texture of ancient reptiles, they stride forth, clad in the majestic armor of armored turtles, a testament to their resilience and might.
But it is not merely their formidable appearance that sets the Toorts apart; it is their mastery of technology, a fusion of science and artistry that propels them to the forefront of galactic civilization. From the heart of their advanced societies, they harness the power of the cosmos itself, wielding it with a grace and precision unmatched by any other.
Yet, it is upon the battlefield where the true spirit of the Toorts is revealed. Mounted atop colossal beasts that thunder across the stars, they charge fearlessly into the fray, their weapons gleaming with the primal energy of a bygone era. Tribal spears crackle with the fury of plasma, clubs resonate with the echoes of ancient chants, and swords flash with the brilliance of a thousand suns.
In the symphony of war, the Toorts stand as a symphony of strength and honor, a force to be reckoned with, and a beacon of hope for those who dare to defy the darkness. For as long as the stars burn bright, the legend of the Toorts shall endure – a saga of courage, glory, and the triumph of the spirit.“
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Full preview of the infantry pack for our newest faction „Toorts“! Included in may release.
A lot of options inside, including various weapon options, heads, bases and more – one of our coolest releases to date!

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Toorts preview 3: Toorts infantry leader! Built from the infantry set. Included in may release.
„In the symphony of war, the Toorts stand as a symphony of strength and honor, a force to be reckoned with, and a beacon of hope for those who dare to defy the darkness. For as long as the stars burn bright, the legend of the Toorts shall endure – a saga of courage, glory, and the triumph of the spirit.“

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Full preview of the „Toorts Chargers“! These guys look unstoppable…

Quelle:Tablehammer Patreon



Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Würde sagen: Angriff der Turtle-Vogel-Echsen, oder so…? 🙄😆
    Ganz witzig, aber ich wüsste ich nicht, wofür ich die verwenden sollte..🤔

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