von BK-Rafael | 09.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Steamforged Games: Monster Hunter World Pre-Order

Steamforged Games haben eine exklusive Vorbestellung zu ihrem Brettspiel Monster Hunter World angekündigt.

MHW All Minis And Boxes Min Kirin Monster Hunter Board Game Min 1


©CAPCOM. All assets are in development and subject to licensor approval.

An extremely rare sight, Kirin is said to envelope itself in pure electricity when provoked. Prepare for a thunderous challenge against this elder dragon — it’s been known to call lightning down from the sky!

With the Kirin expansion, you’ll get this highly-prized elder dragon and all its quests, rare weapons, and powerful equipment-crafting options. That includes:

  • New campaign quests
  • New arena quests for single-session boss battles
  • New choice-driven narrative
  • Every craftable Kirin weapon type, for all 14 hunters, from the video game

Plus, because Kirin is an elder dragon with a 5-star quest level, you’ll have a whole new way to win your Monster Hunter: World campaign! Will your party be the ones to conquer this elusive creature?

We’ve got a full video playthrough where we go head-to-head with Kirin releasing soon on our YouTube channel. How do you think we did? Predictions in the Discord, please! (Hint: We can confirm Jamie Perkins remembered not to attack with a blunt weapon…this time.)


Kirin Spill Thematic Min


©CAPCOM. All assets are in development and subject to licensor approval.

Picking Bones

It’s not just Kirin you’ll be hunting down. You’ll have not one, not two, but THREE massive new monsters to take on with the Picking Bones expansion!

Picking Bones Spill Thematic Min


©CAPCOM. All assets are in development and subject to licensor approval.

Shield your eyes from the stunning flash attacks of Tzitzi-Ya-Ku. Withstand the paralysing strikes of the serpent-like Great Girros. And dodge the rolling ball of pain that is bone-studded Radobaan!

Like the monster expansions some of you may be familiar with from Iceborne, Picking Bones introduces:

  • 3 brand new XL and L monsters
  • 15 new campaign quests
  • 9 new arena quests for single-session boss battles against any of the monsters, at any level, with any of the 14 hunters
  • New choice-driven quest narrative set in the Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale
  • Every craftable weapon type for each monster, for all 14 hunters, from the video game

MHW Radobaan Solo Thematic Min

©CAPCOM. All assets are in development and subject to licensor approval.

And of course, these monsters can be mixed and matched with your existing World collection, giving you tons of variability when it comes to playing through campaigns. Each one of these monsters adds multiple new ways for you to chart your course through the New World. Remember: the more monsters you slay, the better the weapons you can craft, the bigger the monsters you can hunt!

Where will you start?

Pre-order Exclusives

An anniversary gift from us to you, both Kirin and Picking Bones are exclusive to our online store and will release in December this year, with the pre-order set to open next week. But that’s not all.

Only available during this pre-order, the pre-order bundle also includes a limited edition physiology card pack!

We’ve taken the highest-level quest card for every single monster in Monster Hunter World: The Board Game — including the four new monsters above — and infused them with light to help you successfully hunt them down and take them on. We call this high-quality, holographic finish the ‘glowing guide’ effect. Added luck on your hunts is (pretty much) guaranteed!

MHW Glowing Guide Card Pack


©CAPCOM. All assets are in development and subject to licensor approval.

And, although the new expansions don’t introduce full new biomes, we wanted to give those who’d like to face Kirin, Radobaan, on their thematic battlegrounds a way to do so. Which is why, as another pre-order only exclusive, the bundle includes a double-sided neoprene arena featuring Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale!


  MHW Coral Highlands Rotten Vale Neoprene Min



Quelle: Steamforged Games, Pre-Order Seite


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Was ich mich bei diesen Videospiel Umsetzungen immer frage ist „warum?“

    Nicht das die spiele schlecht sein müssen das star craft Brettspiel ist sogar recht spaßig .

    Aber das feeling der Vorlage können sie meistens nicht vermitteln.

    Das angesprochenene Star Craft Boardgame hat es auch nicht versucht.

    Hier wird es aber scheinbar schon versucht.
    Da frag ich mich halt wieso…

    • Weil Steamforgegames vor ein paar Jahren von einem Investor übernommen wurde, der als Strategie IP von PC Games für schnelles Kickstartergeld vorgegeben hat. Man hat einfach gesehen wieviel Geld Steamforge mit den IP spielen gemacht hat, im Gegensatz zu deren eigenen IPs.

      Und die Finanzmanager wissen wie es läuft.

    • Grundsätzlich ist es erstmal wie mit allen Spin-offs und Forsetzungen. Es gibt Leute die Geld mit etwas verdienen können wofür andere bereit sind Geld auszugeben.

      Nach 1000 Stunden Monster Hunter an der Konsole, hab ich das Spiel natürlich gebacked. Jetzt in der Zeit wo wir Rise durch haben ist es eine schönes Spielererlebnis am Tisch zusammen zu kommen. Tatsächlich gelingt es dem Spiel an die Videospielversion zu erinnern und ist gleichzeitig ein Spiel mit passablen Mechaniken.

      Wäre dem nicht so gewesen hätte ich mich über die fantastischen Minis gefreut.

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