von BK-Bob | 27.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Statuesque Miniatures: Cloth Dug & Cloth Goblin Sergeant

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SM A Cloth Dug 1 SM A Cloth Dug 2

A Cloth Dug – 5,00£

A cloth dug – useful for guarding purposes.

  • A finely detailed, one-part, lead-free metal miniature.
  • Approximately 14mm tall.
  • Supplied unpainted in a bare metal state – the figure requires some prep work prior to painting or otherwise finishing.

SM Another Cloth Goblin Sergeant 1 SM Another Cloth Goblin Sergeant 2

Another Cloth Goblin Sergeant – 5,00£

Another cloth goblin sergeant with their own fancy knocker shield.

  • A finely detailed, two-part, lead-free metal miniature.
  • Approximately 18mm tall.
  • Supplied unpainted in a bare metal state – the figure requires some prep work prior to painting or otherwise finishing.

Quelle: Statuesque Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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