von BK-Bob | 30.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Statuesque Miniatures: Cloth Adventurers!

Statuesque Miniatures hat ein Trio neuer Miniaturen veröffentlicht.

SM Cloth Adventurers! 1 SM Cloth Adventurers!2 SM Cloth Adventurers!3

Cloth Adventurers! – 13,50£

Three cloth adventurers – a cloth rogue, a beanbag magic cat and a cloth craa.

  • Three finely detailed, one-part, lead-free metal miniatures, with an optional, clear, 3d-printed lamp cowl* for the craa.
  • Approximately 21-28mm tall including hoods, hats and jingly bells.
  • Supplied unpainted in a bare metal state – the figures require some prep work prior to painting or otherwise finishing.

No cloth goblins are included in this set – they just crept into the photo.

*The lamp cowl you will receive has been given a couple of coat of gloss varnish to improve transparency – additional thinned gloss varnish coats could improve this further. The resin of the cowl may yellow slightly over time, but I thought this appropriate given the flame of the lamp. I recommend attaching the cowl with a very thin layer of 2-part epoxy glue as superglue may cause frosting.

SM A Beanbag Magic Cat 1 SM A Beanbag Magic Cat 2 SM A Beanbag Magic Cat 3

A Beanbag Magic Cat – 5,00£

A beanbag magic cat – or a magic beanbag cat – in a big, floppy hat.

  • A finely detailed, one-part, lead-free metal miniature.
  • Approximately 21mm tall including the hat.
  • Supplied unpainted in a bare metal state – the figure requires some prep work prior to painting or otherwise finishing.

SM A Cloth Craa With A Lamp 1 SM A Cloth Craa With A Lamp 2 SM A Cloth Craa With A Lamp 3

A Cloth Craa with a Lamp – 5,00£

„The craas act as guides and couriers in the Habernagerie, their lamps, tinkling bells and the tap-tap-tap of their clawed feet providing welcome reassurance in the more sepulchral halls and chambers.“

Letters from the Habernagerie, Anon.

A cloth craa with a lamp.

  • A finely detailed, one-part, lead-free metal miniature with an optional, clear, 3d-printed lamp cowl*.
  • Approximately 22mm tall including the jingly bell.
  • Supplied unpainted in a bare metal state – the figure requires some prep work prior to painting or otherwise finishing.

*The lamp cowl you will receive has been given a couple of coat of gloss varnish to improve transparency – additional thinned gloss varnish coats could improve this further. The resin of the cowl may yellow slightly over time, but I thought this appropriate given the flame of the lamp. I recommend attaching the cowl with a very thin layer of 2-part epoxy glue  as superglue may cause frosting.

SM A Cloth Rogue 1 SM A Cloth Rogue 2 SM A Cloth Rogue 3

A Cloth Rogue – 5,00£

A cloth rogue with a rather blunt knife.

  • A finely detailed, one-part, lead-free metal miniature.
  • Approximately 28mm tall including the hood.
  • Supplied unpainted in a bare metal state – the figure requires some prep work prior to painting or otherwise finishing.

Quelle: Statuesque Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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