von BK-Bob | 29.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Station Forge: Februar Patreon

Der Februar geht zu Ende und damit steht fest was es alles bei Station Forge diesen Monat gibt.

SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 1 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 2 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 3 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 4 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 5 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 6 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 7 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 8 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 9 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 10 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 11 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 12 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 13 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 14 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 16 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 17 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 18 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 19 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 20 SF GrimGuard Trench Terrain 21

GrimGuard Trench Terrain

Hello Everyone!

Took a little while to render the trench but here it is:)

For both Jan & Feb users


Fully modular kit


Lots of extra accessories

SF Bots Remake 1 SF Bots Remake 2 SF Bots Remake 3 SF Bots Remake 4 SF Bots Remake 5 SF Bots Remake 6 SF Bots Remake 7 SF Bots Remake 8 SF Bots Remake 9

Bots Remake

Hello Everyone!

We decided to remake one of our first ever releases which was not print friendly nor did it have any support files

The people who have previously owned these files alongside all the current month members have access to them:)

Hope you all enjoy this little update and let us know what we should update next!

SF Corrupted Guard Sporeus 1 SF Corrupted Guard Sporeus 2 SF Corrupted Guard Sporeus 3 SF Corrupted Guard Sporeus 4 SF Corrupted Guard Sporeus 5 SF Corrupted Guard Sporeus 6

Corrupted Guard Sporeus

Hello Everyone!

Corrupted Guard Sporeus is out!

– Fully hollowed inside

SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 1 SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 2 SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 3 SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 4 SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 5 SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 6 SF GrimGuard Transport Tank 7

GrimGuard Transport Tank

Hello Everyone!

GrimGuard Transport Tank is out!



Tank can hold 20+ minis

SF Orkaz Walkanator 1 SF Orkaz Walkanator 2 SF Orkaz Walkanator 3 SF Orkaz Walkanator 4 SF Orkaz Walkanator 5

Orkaz Walkanator

Hello Everyone!

Orkaz Walkanator is out!

It has two cockpit options and one pilot

I would like to apologize for the lack of releases, I understand its mid month and this is a third release, however tomorrow and after tomorrow there are releases planned also

Regarding the lack of 10 releases (now being 8 mainly) is due to the size and complexity of the projects we had lately, however this is a temporary issue which we are working on fixing by expanding the team

I reckon we will also begin working on smaller projects more from March onwards, not to say the big projects are out of the picture but more so have a balance between both:)

SF Raticus Zappers 1 SF Raticus Zappers 2 SF Raticus Zappers 3 SF Raticus Zappers 4 SF Raticus Zappers 5 SF Raticus Zappers 6 SF Raticus Zappers 7

Raticus Zappers

Hello Everyone!

Raticus Zappers are out!

SF RoyalGuard Starfly 1 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 2 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 3 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 4 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 5 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 6 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 7 SF RoyalGuard Starfly 8

RoyalGuard Starfly

Hello Everyone!!

The long-awaited Starfly squad is out!

SF Scavenger Salvagers 1 SF Scavenger Salvagers 2 SF Scavenger Salvagers 3 SF Scavenger Salvagers 4 SF Scavenger Salvagers 5

Scavenger Salvagers

Hello Everyone!

Scavenger Salvagers are out

Quelle: Station Forge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Man kann die Minis ja nun mögen oder nicht, aber ich bin immer mehr begeistert von den Posen die viele der Soldaten haben. Nicht immer nur stehend oder vorwärts stürmend. Bin mir zwar nicht sicher, ob die sich alle zum spielen eignen, aber zumindest für Dioramen(boards) sollten die eigentlich eine tolle Abwechslung sein (insb. die Jungs auf Bild 2).

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