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We are starting preparations for the trip to the Red Lion Con convention on the 27th-28th in Germany.Hispania Wargames, from which we have just returned, was a very successful convention, and thanks to the conversations we had with Fran from E-Minis Distribution, we agreed on how the translation of Argatoria into Spanish will proceed.
Our plan is that by the convention in Madrid (Freak Wars) that we will be attending, Argatoria will be available in Spanish. If everything goes according to the plan, we will be finally ready to run demos in Spain.
Unfortunately, we have a delay due to technical reasons with the Hydra, Minotaur and Marmydon miniatures for Argatoria. It is difficult to estimate exactly when the models will be available for sale. The good news is that work on the Orc army is progressing well. The tests we conduct mean that we can constantly refine their rules. And we just hope that the Kickstarter will launch without delays.We are finishing work on the campaign for the 4th edition of Umbra Turris.This is a new element in the game, so we will conduct tests on a larger scale and some of you, if you contact us with experience in the game from previous editions, will be able to test the 4th edition of Umbra Turris.
The new edition Umbra Turris rulebook will also include the Beasts supplement, so if you like playing with big creatures like Giant Spiders, Minotaurs and Trolls, you’ll be able to do so with ease playing the 4th Edition.In the photo, you can see one of the finished units for the Orcs army.Cheers,SPELLCROW
Marek is constantly working on new miniatures for Argatoria. Here’s another Skeleton Champion he sculpted for the Sheol-morg army
The creation of the hero set is taking longer than planned, because in the meantime Marek also sculpted the reptilian Shaman Kor’quixos, whose illustration you can see in the Argatoria main rulebook.If you want to read the Argatoria battle-report, created by one of the players, you can find it here: https://battle-reports.org/batrep-24/index.phpIf you want to quickly read about Argatoria and get to know its rules, all you need is 2 pounds or 3 Euro/dollarsEnglish rulebook in PDF available here: https://www.spellcrow.com/argatoria-wargame-rulebook-pdf…
German Regelbuch in PDF available here: https://www.spellcrow.com/argatoria-regelbuch-pdf-de-p…
Kind Regards,SPELLCROW
Quelle: Spellcrow auf Facebook
Die sind absolut großartig! Das wird gekauft und (mindestens in meiner 15mm Orks & Goblins Armee) einen festen Platz auf der Platte bekommen!
Die Spellcrow Sachen sind aber 10mm, oder übersehe ich etwas?
Die sind 10mm aber erstaunlich detailliert. Ich freue mich schon darauf sie zu bemalen. Das Spiel mag ich auch, sehr Oldschool und man wirft Massen an Würfeln.
Die sind als 10mm deklariert, aber es gibt genug Vergleiche im Netz. Gehen stark in Richtung 15mm. Und bei Orks mag ich zudem etwas Varianz.