von BK-Jonah | 05.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

SoldiersOfHumankind: SciFi-Soldaten auf Kickstarter

Mit den „Brothers of Yevrostoya“ gibt es auf Kickstarter neue SciFi-Soldaten von SoldiersOfHumankind.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 1

Brothers of Yevrostoya

Print and play the valiant Brothers of Yevrostoya! High-quality, pre-supported 28mm STL miniatures, crafted to give you the best army.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 2

What you get?

Join us to recruit the full army of the Brothers of Yevrostoya. A unique faction with high-quality weaponry made by talented craftsmen ready to defend the humanity. All files will come unsupported, supported and in lychee scene.

The army pack will content :

  • 3 heroes of Yevrostoya
  • Command squad (banner x2, coms, medic and an officer kit with many weapon options);
  • 20 warriors different poses;
  • Special team (10 elite warriors for special missions)
  • 5 different weapons in 2 poses each;
  • 5 different heavy weapons;
  • 3 heavy artillery guns;
  • Cyborg-horse mounted cavalry unit;
  • Battle armoured walker;
  • Scout walker;
  • Modular heads for all soldiers (6 different heads in the basic pack).

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 3

left : lord marshal center: lord segmentum right : High officer

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 4

The special team is ready to infiltrate ennemy area. This team is perfect for skirmish game.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 5

The core unit of the Brothers of Yevrostoya, 20 soldiers. There are 6 separate heads, and you can choose how to put them on.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 6

The core unit of the Brothers of Yevrostoya, 20 soldiers. There are 6 separate heads, and you can choose how to put them on.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 7

With the command squad you will have 3 officer bodies. The officer kit comes with many weapon options.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 8

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 9

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 10

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 11

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 12

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 13

The walker can have many weapon options : plasma cannon, autocannon, lascannon, light lascannon, rocket launcher, chainsword and powersword.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 14

The arms and the legs are totally modifiable in terms of poses and armament. the legs are in three parts and the arms in two parts.You can rotate the cabin

Painted miniatures

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 15

Painted by Darius Miniatures

You don’t have a 3D printer? No problem

You can get the Yevrostoya miniatures at a preferential price (-15%) during the campaign on our website.

Test miniature

Download the test miniature in few seconds.

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 17


3000€ : Bitz and news heads !
4000€ : Commissar and stellar wizard
5000€ : Elite troop squad with heavy lasgun
6000€ : New special and heavy weaponery with new poses
7000€ : War priest and tank commander
8000€ : Parts kit with all kind of armour
9000€ : Abhuman orgres
10000€ : Battle tank
12000€ : Women squad

Print test, supported & scene version

All files will come with unsupported, supported version and lychee slicer scene.

Scale comparisons

Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 18


Brothers Of Yevrostoya Kickstarter 19

Quelle: SoldiersOfHumankind auf Kickstarter


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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