von BK-Jonah | 26.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Signum Games: Niemand erwartet die Imperial Inquisition

Von Signum Games kommen neue Charaktermodelle – als Set oder einzeln erhältlich.

Signum Games: Imperial Inquisition – 40,50€

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 1Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 2

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 3 Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 4

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 5 Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 6

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Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 9 Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 10

The Inquisitors are intimidating figures that enthrall all the inhabitants of the Empire, from the penniless miners who have never left their stations among the asteroid belts, to the highest-ranking Imperial officials and the most generous aristocrats.

The Inquisitors will spot the tiniest sign of heresy and get to the source of it. And their henchmen will eliminate conspirators and heretics, no matter how many weapons they have or how they hide.

Gideon Vexley Lord Inquisitor – €9.00

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 11Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 12

In the Star Empire, the Inquisitors act as ruthless guardians of order. Gideon Vexley Lord Inquisitor’s sharp mind and iron will allow him to recognize even the slightest signs of conspiracies and heresies. For him there are no inaccessible corners where the followers of darkness could hide. The Inquisitor knows no mercy when it comes to safeguarding the Empire.

Maximilian Graves Inquisitor with Gun – €9.00

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 13 Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 14

The Inquisitors act on behalf of the Star Emperor, enforcing his will. They tirelessly keep order, eliminating anything that could disrupt foundations of the Empire – from harmless rumors to dangerous conspiracies.

Cassius Lord Inquisitor with Hammer – €9.00

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 15 Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 16

Cassius is not afraid of engaging in combat. He leads a band of loyal allies into battle against the enemies of the Empire, showing an example of courage and determination.

Mysterious Astral Keepers – €21.60

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Some Inquisitors are accompanied by mysterious figures who control forces beyond the reach of mere mortals. The people of the Empire are afraid to even look in their direction. It is frightening to think what enemies and what evil the Inquisitors are facing, if they need such helpers.

Korr Mercenary Wolfen with Rifle – €13.50

Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 21 Signum Games Imperial Inquisition 22

Korr, the Mercenary Wolfen, prowls the cosmos like a shadow, a lethal predator driven by his insatiable hunger for strength and wealth. Unlike his brethren, he shuns the bonds of pack life, seeking only the mightiest leader to follow—a master who can afford the price of loyalty.

Fearless Flagellants – €26.10

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These mad, faith-blinded fanatics are completely fearless. Their minds are immune to the effects of dark forces and their bodies are no longer afraid of pain. Under the skillful command of the Inquisitor, they are an effective weapon against the enemies of the Empire.

Quelle: Signum Games


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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