von BK-Jonah | 09.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Signum Games: Neuheiten

Signum Games gehen mit einem kleinen Set Amazonen samt Schlangen-Gottheit an den Start.

The Amazon jungle calls

Signum Games Amazonen 1

Amazons do not serve men, do not cook for them or wash their clothes, neither they clean or sew from dawn to dusk. Centuries ago, an ambitious princess led her army south, eager to reach the edge of the world and the lands of the gods.

But her and her warriors‘ journey ended in a shipwreck on Black Stone Island, where the remnants of the army had to survive on bare rocks, without food or water. The gods were deaf to their prayers, and then the desperate princess promised her heart to the one who would save her people. Being a proud Amazon, she cut her heart out of her chest with a piece of sharp obsidian. And her plea was answered – the smell of blood attracted the attention of a feathered serpent, one of the ancient dragons.

The prayers of the Amazons pleased the proud Great Serpent, and he brought them ice from the mountain tops and sea beasts to eat. So he became a god to the Amazons of the Obsidian Serpent.

Now they raid not just for fame and fortune, but to capture slaves and sacrifice them to their ever hungry protector.

Quetzalcoatl, the Obsidian Serpent – €50.40

Signum Games Amazonen 2

Captives are captured and brought to a shrine where their hearts are cut out under the watchful eye of the Great Serpent. The warrior women truly believe that each sacrifice strengthens the Serpent and gives strength to the entire tribe.

Buy a model of the Quetzalcoatl, the Obsidian Serpent and get a free model of Priestess Kuatli as a gift!

Kuatli, Priestess of the Great Serpent – €9.00

Signum Games Amazonen 3

The priestess is a master of secret ceremonies and spectacular sacrifices. In the shade of the temple she sacrifices, confident that every drop of blood and every breath of the victim carries to the deity the Amazons’ pleas for victory and protection.

Legends of Signum Warseer Starter Box “Daughters of the Obsidian Serpent” – €62.10

Signum Games Amazonen 4

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Every woman of the Obsidian Amazon tribe is trained in the art of war from a young age. Their lives are full of discipline, and each morning begins with a ritual to worship the Great Serpent. The warrior women learn to use bow, sword, and spear, and a few chosen ones master the secrets of magic to strengthen their sisters in arms on the battlefield.
Join the battle for the future of the world of Signum with the Amazons of Obsidian Serpent!

Obsidian Arrows – €26.10

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A squad of Amazon archers slip between the trees like shadows. Their bows are drawn and their arrows are ready to go. Their faithful companion birds keep watch over their surroundings. Their enemies are taken by surprise and never know who took their lives. And only the bard will sing a song of their final battle.

Obsidian Oronox Riders – €27.90

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Riders on Oronoxes are an important part of the Obsidian Amazon army. They surround the enemy from the flanks, launch attacks to break enemy lines, and commit diversions where they are not expected.

Fire and pain may frighten a horse, but not an Oronox. Unlike those stupid herbivores, Oronoxes are always ready to take part in a fight and eagerly pursue fleeing enemies. They consider the horsewomen part of their herd and are ready to die with them.

Jaguar Warriors – €23.40

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This squad of Amazons, led by an unstoppable veteran, is known for its bravery and ruthlessness. Jaguar Guard impart their knowledge and skills by training young female warriors. The squad under her command acts swiftly and cohesively. They are invincible and fearless, like warriors from ancient legends.

Quelle: Signum Games


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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