von BK-Pascal | 20.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Scale75: Neue Warfront Sets

Scale75 bringen neue Sets ihrer Warfront-Farbreihe raus.


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Available for shipping on January 30th.
A complete set of 48 acrylic colors, valid for brush and airbrush, with the most used tones for painting soldier figures and model military vehicles, both classic and modern.
This complete selection allows you great freedom when decorating your models, scale models and figures.
Preis: 154,01 EUR


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Available for shipping on January 30th.

A second set of 24 acrylic colors, valid for brush and airbrush, with which you can paint military vehicles and accessories.
These 24 colors allow you to paint your models of classic and modern vehicles and accessories of different materials with great realism.
Preis: 77,00 EUR


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Available for shipping on January 30th.

Set of 24 acrylic colors, valid for brush and airbrush, designed to paint a wide variety of uniforms used in conflicts of the twentieth and twenty-first century.
In this set you will find specific colors for painting German, American, Russian, British, etc. uniforms, both classic and modern.
Preis: 77,00 EUR
Quelle: Scale75

Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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