von BK-Bob | 15.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

Sarissa Precision: Lanzenformation Movement Tray

Sarissa Precision haben eine Movement Tray für Old World Bretonen Spieler herausgebracht.

SP Knightly 6 Arrowhead Tray 1 SP Knightly 6 Arrowhead Tray 2

Knightly 6 Arrowhead Tray – 3,95€

Create a well-formed and solid lance formation, ready to drive a wedge into the heart of your enemy front lines

This tray is the ideal solution for safely manoeuvring x6 Old World Cavalry miniatures (such as Bretonnians) based on 30mm by 60mm bases.

MDF movement tray consisting of 3mm MDF upper frame and 2mm lower base, plus six 30 mm x 60 mm, 3mm thick bases. The base’s border / upper frame measures 1/4″ (6.35mm) per side. Other configurations are available on request.

SP Knightly 10 Arrowhead Tray 1 SP Knightly 10 Arrowhead Tray 2

Knightly 10 Arrowhead Tray – 4,95€

Create a well-formed and solid lance formation, ready to drive a wedge into the heart of your enemy front lines

This tray is the ideal solution for safely manoeuvring x10 Old World cavalry miniatures (such as Bretonnians) based on 30mm by 60mm bases.

MDF movement tray consisting of 3mm MDF upper frame and 2mm lower base, plus ten 30 mm x 60 mm, 3mm thick bases. The base’s border / upper frame measures 1/4″ (6.35mm) per side. Other configurations are available on request.

Quelle: Sarissa Precision


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Harad, Khand und Ostlinge), Saga Ära der Magie (Die Untoten Legionen), WarmaHordes (Crucible Guard, Söldner und Circle), Summoners (Erde), Konflikt 47 (Briten)

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