von BK-Sebastian | 16.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Rumbleslam: Vorbestellung

TTCombat liefert am 29. November neue Katzenwrestler.

Die Purloined Puissance kostet 30£

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The Rostani are an enterprising lot, always making deals for power and profit. If you have coins, they have wares. This even extends into the ring; they’ll flash their cash and turn your wrestlers against you. After all, money is power! When that fails though, there’s always brute strength; beatdowns are on sale!

There to Recite the Chronicles, the Rostani Chronicler grants your team vital rerolls. Made of literal wrestling fabric is the Yarn Elemental, a little wrestler that comes with a Devastating rope attack and can let the rest of your team make rope attacks from anywhere in the ring. The Rostani Trader is a master of the business and can turn your negative counters into positives, making every deal work for you.

The Fat Cat loves to throw his weight around, watching him Jump around the ring is impressive at his size, until he lands on you and takes you out of business. Anger problems can be helpful in the ring, never a finer example of this than the Raging Rostani, massive Damage and Fury means he will deliver a barrage of blows that little can withstand.

Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured

Scrungles the Obliterator kostet 8£

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Scrungles the Obliterator has been an Obliterator for a very, very long time. RUMBLESLAM scholars believe she’s been alive and Obliterating since at least the beginning of RUMBLESLAM itself, if not Obliterating much earlier.

This literal Obliterating avatar of obliteration has a fiery, obliterating temper, though is more often than not just a bit hangry…for OBLITERATION. RUMBLESLAM scholars know each of her favourite obliterations, the scent
of a good obliteration being the only thing that’s saved several casinos from complete obliteration.

The queen of obliteration will decimate all. The Orb of Obliteration will have her sling across the ring and often take out weight 1’s with one hit. Even more impressive though is the 5 Finger Flick, a special active ability that deals 4 damage and will leave the enemy wrestler Dazed.

Every move gets turned up to eleven when the Power of Obliteration is unleashed as all of her moves gain Devastating, so it’s not just one wrestler getting hit.

Aj Lynx ebenso

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AJ Lynx wasn’t always a wrestler for the Diamond Oasis. Prior to her tenure at the Oasis, she used to be a pirate at the Pieces of D8. In between wrestling matches she would scour the seas in search of loot until one fateful day she boarded the Mage Voy-age and suffered a lifelong leg transfiguration.

Forced to quit her stint as a pirate, Lynx re-learned how to walk and wrestle with human feet. Though it took a while, she managed to get back into the swing of things and joined the Diamond Oasis. Now she combines traditional Rostani moves with high-flying acrobatics creating a chaotic wrestling style that leaves no one standing.

The Craziest Cat in all RUMBLESLAM, AJ will Grapple the largest wrestlers with ease. 2 Gold and a Silver are not to be messed with. Finishing most is the Hirricatana, with a base damage of 3 and Knockdown, this quickly puts wrestlers in the perfect spot for a pin.

The Shining Flying Lynx will have her launched through the air and claws bared ready to deal Bleeding damage. Unleashing her craziness freaks out any wrestler nearby, knocking them to the canvas.

Quelle: TTCombat


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Ha, beim ersten, schnellen Drüberschauen habe ich mir gedacht, was denn das für ein Wollknäul sein soll. Dann habe ich es näher angeschaut. Okay, ja, wirklich ein Wollknäul… Ich glaube, die brauche ich. Seit längerem mal wieder 100 Prozent stimmig für mich.

  • Haha passt wie die Faust aufs Auge, im Radio kam grad, dass in Ulm Furry Umzug is. Wünsche allen, die da hingehen oder davon überrascht werde viel Spaß.

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