von BK-Thorsten | 18.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Rumbleslam: Neuheiten

TTCombat haben einige Neuheiten für Rumbleslam im Shop.

StableofChivalryboxcopy StableofChivalryGroup TheCavalryBackgrounded GoblinManagerBackgrounded LadyHobBackgrounded SirHeatherBackgrounded SirPipsqueakBackgrounded TheKeepCards F64e305f 833f 4dc1 A6ed A978b4304d08 TheKeepCards2 08e62981 C8ca 4663 9e41 A0f3d9a37fa0 TheKeepCards3 29716d78 8a5d 45a5 Beb9 D73f4531c297 TheKeepCards4 D0c76208 Cfd1 4e4f A1b0 D67c8ede2b0a TheKeepCards5 60ca72fa 6967 4996 Ac88 800d4e59d8c7

Stable of Chivalry – 30,00GBP

Hobgoblins constantly aspire for knighthood, though their enthusiasm gives them a high attrition rate. Managers will knight any Hob skilled enough, even those that have gone slightly feral.

Managing the charge is a Goblin Manager, ready to strike a tempting deal. Sir Pipsqueak is a diminutive knight, but makes up for his small stature with strong vows and a lot of gumption.

Having taken up vows of her own, Lady Hob takes to the ring to sour the crowd to her opponents. Sir Heater riles up the crowd, not that a team this fabulous needs help to woo the audience. The Cavalry stomps into the ring, an expert at rope attacks.

Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Aceofheartscopy Aceofheartsfrontcopy Aceofheartsbackcopy TheKeepCards 3d634307 14d5 4786 9c34 C50117ad4cfd

Ace of Hearts – 8,00GBP

The Ace of Hearts is a consiumate professional. Having worked his way up from a lowly Hobgoblin Squire, Ace of Hearts is one of the most handsome, recognisable faces in The Keep.

One of RUMBLESLAMS biggest heartthrobs is no pushover. Being an excellent brawler and grappler makes him adaptable. The Heart Stopper will take the opponent’s breath away and his Coronary Clutch will keep them Dazed in place.

Bringing new Vows of service keeps wrestlers fighting at their best, combined with Acing the Game, the whole team’s attacks will always sting.

Contains 1 resin miniatures with 1 clear acrylic base, and 1 character card. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Knightofdarknesscovercopy Knightofdarknessfront 9fd4ea1b Bf2f 4115 9b92 6617c18c9186 Knightofdarknessbackcopy Superstarscards 84d07ae1 7a59 4d8b 8ad9 8e46766702bb

Knight of Darkness – 8,00GBP

Said to be the oldest wrestler in the Keep, the Knight of Darkness has been in over 200 Championship matches and currently holds the record for most second-place prizes.

Years of wrestling have made the Knight of Darkness a consistent performer, this can be seen in his stats, as the majority have a +1. This prowess is continued in his move sets, making them extremely powerful. For example, the Limb Lop Arm Lock is arguably one of the best grapples in the business.

The Vow of Invincibility keeps wrestlers resurrecting and in the fight for longer. Years of beatings have made the Knight of Darkness extra durable.

Contains 1 resin miniatures with 1 clear acrylic base, and 1 character card. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Stubbycopy 71619fc0 0b4b 40c8 B784 Cc6fdeae1a56 Stubbyfrontbackgroundcopy Stubbybackbackgroundcopy Stubbycard

Stubby the Slayer – 8,00GBP

Stubby used to be a detective before becoming a RUMBLESLAM superstar! Some say she’s still on the case, trying to track down the criminal that keeps turning her favourite bakeries into health food shops.

For a Weight one, Stubby packs a punch. A Great stat line and some nasty signature moves such as the Diving Slayer Axe Handle, make Stubby the ultimate slayer.

If the crowd gets behind her she will Break into Song and have all wrestlers Dazed and losing their minds. Her questionable stakes make pinning the largest of opponents no trouble, this is made even easier by being the Chosen One.

Contains 1 resin miniatures with 1 clear acrylic base, and 1 character card. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly.

Quelle: TTCombat


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Krass, dass sie für Verkaufsphotos bei einigen Figuren die Gesichter nur in Grundfarben bemalt zeigen. Für mich eine befremdliche Entscheidung.

    • Die Produktbemalung der RumbleSlam-Minis war schon immer eigen. Sehr bunt, knallig, „einfach“. Ist auch okay, halt eine stilistische Entscheidung. Wie gut der Guss ist, merkt man erst, wenn man die Figuren in der Hand hat.

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