von BK-Rafael | 04.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Rescale Miniatures: Pit of Pestilence – Patreon August 2024

Diesen Monat gibt es die Seuche bei Rescale Miniatures.

Rescale Sc Png PitOfPestinence P3 Rescale Sc Png PitOfPestinence P2 Rescale Sc Png PitOfPestinence P1 Rescale Vorathe Guard R 01 02.6629 Copie Rescale Pestilence BrassDragon Stand 01 02.6490 Copie Rescale Pestilence BrassDragon Takeoff W 02.6680 Rescale Pestilence BrassDragon Walk 05.6499 Rescale Pestilence Purulent Demon Stand 01 02.6412 Copie Rescale Executioner Crossbow A 01 02.6732 Copie Rescale Kharax Fly R 01 02.6600 Copie Rescale Pestilence Dravon Assault M 04.6510 Rescale Pestilence Dravon Attack S 02.6521 Rescale Pestilence Sludgeborn Descent R 01 02.6750 Copie Rescale Pestilence Ulcerated Colossus R 01 02.6702 Copie Rescale Putrid ServantsA LookSceptrer 01 02.6427 Copie Rescale CorruptedExecutioner Axe 01 02.6769 Copie Rescale Putrid ServantsB WalkCrossbow 01 02.6457 Copie Rescale Putrid ServantsC StanceScepter 01 02.6475 Copie Rescale Pestilence BrassDragon Battle 01 02.6484 Copie

Pit of Pestilence – August 2024 Release

Hi everyone!

🔸 You’re already a Patreon subscriber? Then, the download links are just here! 🔸

👉 https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2024-pit-109252278 👈

🔹If you’re not yet a member of our Patreon, here are the models you’ll be receiving in August 2024: „Pit of Pestilence“🔹

Here’s the full list of models for “Pit of pestilence” (96 models including variations) :

• Legendary Metallic Brass Dragon Stand – Closed Mouth & Open Mouth versions (Custom base, 100mm)

• Legendary Metallic Brass Dragon Take Off – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 160 mm)

• Legendary Metallic Brass Dragon Walk (Custom base, 160 mm)

• Legendary Metallic Brass Dragon Battle Diorama (Custom base, 280 x 210 mm)

• Sludgeborn Drake Descent – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 280mm)

• Sludgeborn Drake Walk – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 280mm)

• Ulcerated Colossus – Mounted & Wild versions (Custom base, 130mm)

• Purulent Demon (Custom base, 130mm)

  • · Purulent Demon Stand
  • · Purulent Demon Throne
  • · Purulent Demon Walk

• Vorathe – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 130mm)

  • · Vorathe Guard
  • · Vorathe Run
  • · Vorathe Scream
  • · Vorathe Walk

• Dravon – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 60mm)

  • · Dravon Assault
  • · Dravon Attack
  • · Dravon Cast
  • · Dravon Hover
  • · Dravon Pursuit
  • · Dravon Speed
  • · Dravon Way

• Kharax – Mounted & Wild versions (Custom base, 130mm)

  • · Kharax Attack
  • · Kharax Fly
  • · Kharax Guard
  • · Kharax Pursuit
  • · Kharax Speed (Only Wild)

• Executioner (Custom base, 40mm)

  • · Executioner Crossbow A
  • · Executioner Crossbow B
  • · Executioner Crossbow C
  • · Executioner Special Crossbow
  • · Executioner Axe A
  • · Executioner Axe B
  • · Executioner Single Sword A
  • · Executioner Single Sword B
  • · Executioner Double Sword
  • · Executioner Staff
  • · Executioner Naked Axe
  • · Corrupted Executioner Staff A
  • · Corrupted Executioner Axe
  • · Corrupted Executioner CrossBow
  • · Great Commander Executioner

• Putrid Servant (Custom base, 32mm)

  • · Putrid Servant A Show Sword
  • · Putrid Servant A Show Crossbow
  • · Putrid Servant A Parry Scepter
  • · Putrid Servant A Parry Sword
  • · Putrid Servant A Look Sword
  • · Putrid Servant A Look Scepter
  • · Putrid Servant A Load Sword
  • · Putrid Servant B Walk Sword
  • · Putrid Servant B Walk Crossbow
  • · Putrid Servant B Vigil Scepter
  • · Putrid Servant B Vigil Crossbow
  • · Putrid Servant B Throw Sword
  • · Putrid Servant B Throw Heads
  • · Putrid Servant C Stance Sword
  • · Putrid Servant C Stance Scepter
  • · Putrid Servant C Run Sword
  • · Putrid Servant C Run Crossbow
  • · Putrid Servant C Reload Sword
  • · Putrid Servant C Reload Crossbow
  • · Putrid Servant C Stand Sword

Quelle: Rescale Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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