von BK-Rafael | 02.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Rescale Miniatures: Bastion of Purity – Patreon September 2024

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Bastion of Purity – September 2024 Release

Hi everyone!

It’s finally time for the big reveal of the full release! 🔥

Note: The renders on this post only show the models without all their variations. To see all the variations, go to the MyAirBridge link below containing all the model renderings! 😊

🔸 You can see images of all the models for “Bastion of Purity” right here: https://mab.to/jINGEA8cNlsjC/eu1

Which model is your favorite? 😃

🔹 „Bastion of Purity“ will be available on September 2nd 2024! 🔹

👉 On September 2nd, I’ll create a post with the MyAirBridge download link, the discount code of the month and the stats book.

👉 And as usual, this release will also be shared on MyMiniFactory in our Patreon’s library 1 month later (so, in early October).

Once again, here’s the full list of models for “Bastion of Purity” (172 models including variations) for those who haven’t seen it yet:


• Legendary Metallic Bronze Dragon Stand (Custom base, 100mm)

• Legendary Metallic Bronze Dragon Stand Door (Custom base, 100mm)

• Legendary Metallic Bronze Dragon Rise (Custom base, 100 mm)


• Metallic Bronze Dragon DnD 50th Anniversary Redesign Stand (Custom base, 100 mm)

• Metallic Bronze Dragon DnD 50th Anniversary Redesign Walk (Custom base, 100 mm)


• Gryph – Mounted, Cape, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 75mm)

  • · Gryph Chase
  • · Gryph Low Stance
  • · Gryph Rear Up
  • · Gryph Rest
  • · Gryph Roar
  • · Gryph Sprint
  • · Gryph Stance A
  • · Gryph Stance B
  • · Gryph Trot
  • · Gryph Walk


• Dragoryx – Mounted, Cape & Saddle versions (Custom base, 90 x 52mm)

  • · Dragoryx Wait
  • · Dragoryx Stance
  • · Dragoryx Guard
  • · Dragoryx Chief
  • · Dragoryx Charge
  • · Dragoryx Cry
  • · Dragoryx Run
  • · Dragoryx Walk
  • · Dragoryx Stand
  • · Dragoryx Rear


• Solaris Panthera – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 90 x 52mm)

  • · Solaris Panthera Bullying
  • · Solaris Panthera Chief
  • · Solaris Panthera Gallop
  • · Solaris Panthera Leap
  • · Solaris Panthera Run
  • · Solaris Panthera Sit
  • · Solaris Panthera Stand
  • · Solaris Panthera Stealth
  • · Solaris Panthera Turn
  • · Solaris Panthera Walk


• Astralyon – Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (Custom base, 170mm)

  • · Astralyon Chief
  • · Astralyon Conquer
  • · Astralyon Guard
  • · Astralyon Fly


• Aurelian Skyblade – With & Without Helmet versions (Custom base, 40mm)

  • · Aurelian Skyblade Great Commander
  • · Aurelian Skyblade Sword & Shield
  • · Aurelian Skyblade Sword
  • · Aurelian Skyblade Double Sword
  • · Aurelian Skyblade Spear & Shield
  • · Aurelian Skyblade Spear
  • · Aurelian Skyblade Bow


• Sentinel of Aetherium – With & Without Helmet versions (Custom base, 40mm)

  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Great Commander Spear & Shield
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Great Commander Spear
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Sword & Shield
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Sword
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Double Sword
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Spear
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Bow A
  • · Sentinel of Aetherium Bow B


• Aeterna Infantry (Custom base, 40mm)

  • · Archer Giant Bow Shoot
  • · Archer Giant Bow Walk
  • · Archer Bow Look
  • · Archer Bow Shoot
  • · Archer Crossbow Reload
  • · Archer Crossbow Shoot
  • · General Great Sword Run
  • · General Great Sword Stand
  • · General Sword Attack
  • · General Sword Look
  • · Soldier Axe Run
  • · Warrior Axe Run
  • · Soldier Axe Taunt
  • · Warrior Axe Taunt
  • · Soldier Great Axe Run
  • · Warrior Great Axe Run
  • · Soldier Great Axe Stand
  • · Warrior Great Axe Stand
  • · Soldier Great Hammer Ready
  • · Warrior Great Hammer Ready
  • · Soldier Great Hammer Walk
  • · Warrior Great Hammer Walk
  • · Soldier Hammer Block
  • · Warrior Hammer Block
  • · Soldier Hammer Run
  • · Warrior Hammer Run

See you on September 2nd for the release! 😁

Quelle: Rescale Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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