von BK-Bob | 28.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Mittelalter, Patreon

Reconquer Designs: Juli Patreon

Bei Reconquer Designs gibt es diesen Monat Miniaturen für seine Schlacht bei Alarcos.

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July’s Models

A representation of a small part of the battle of Alarcos! What you see is a small battle scene of course, but I’ve taken care to make figures that supplement other set’s of units i’ve already done, so that units can be made larger with more variety instead of repeated units, such as the Berber and Andalusian Spearmen, and the Moorish heavy infantry set, or the sergeants and dismounted military order knights! These figures have poses that also fit perfectly for smaller, skirmish style games. And of course, figures to create command base figures and casualties for both sides.

On the Christian side we have 8 figures, though one of them has 4 different versions: the knight withe the helmet comes with and without the cape, as well as with a helmet or just the chain coif as well. So 11 files for them.

On the Almohade side, also 8 figures, no different versions of each. But we have two particularly unique poses. First a captain, filled with adrenalin and anxiousness as he sees a loss slowly turning to victory as the enemy is gradually surrounded, directing the cautious spearman in front of him. And second, I would wager a casualty pose never done before, not even close haha. As life escapes his body, he could only wish for an ending with a pose indicating heroism… unfortunately death in war is rarely romantic and a limp body falls how physics determine. (seriously I copied this pose from letting myself fall limp from a certain position and determine this one would be pretty interesting haha)

I’ve also created some more of those comic style images because i personally like them and I feel some of you could find some use for them as well.

Quelle: Reconquer Designs bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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