von BK-Jonah | 04.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Zubehör

PWork Wargames: Neue Pinsel-Sets

Gemeinsam mit Borciani E Bonazzi bringen PWork Wargames neue Pinsel-Sets auf den Markt.

EVIL EYES – Miniature Painting

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From the experience of a historic Italian company in the production of brushes and accessories for fine arts comes a line designed and created specifically for the world of miniatures, wargames and role-playing games:

EVIL EYES® – Miniature Painting is the series of brushes developed to paint miniatures and models. All the brushes of the EVIL EYES® range have been designed with the support and know-how of experienced artists and to provide optimal results: the brushes have ergonomic handles ideal for fine gestuality and repeated typical of miniature painting and models. The range includes:

ARMORY – Miniature brush Set;
ARMORY – Drybrush Set;
HALBERD: ergonomic double-head brush;
SPEAR: must-have brush in synthetic sable fibre with sharp tip.

With the new series EVIL EYES® Borciani e Bonazzi is established in the world of miniature painting and modeling with a new and specializedrange: brushes designed for both beginners and minipainting enthusiasts that fill the sector. Synthetic fibres, Innovative design, Ergonomic handles, Precision, Excellent tips holding, sharp as blades.

EVIL EYES – Armory Miniature Set 3 brushes – €24.50

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Made of 3 brushes able to cover most of the uses in miniature painting. The brushes have a birch handle with non-toxic water-based paint, and the end of the handle is made with an angled cut, specially designed for use with materic techniques, for applying pigments, glue or textured pastes on the miniature sideburns. The Armory – Miniature Brush Set, with only 3 extremely versatile brushes allows you to work with colors for most popular miniatures and on models of any scale.

EVIL EYES – Armory Drybrush Set 2 Brushes – €29.50

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Made of 3 brushes able to cover most of the uses in miniature painting. The brushes have a birch handle with non-toxic water-based paint, and the end of the handle is made with an angled cut, specially designed for use with materic techniques, for applying pigments, glue or textured pastes on the miniature sideburns. The Armory – Miniature Brush Set, with only 3 extremely versatile brushes allows you to work with colors for most popular miniatures and on models of any scale.

EVIL EYES – HALBERD double head miniature brush – €17.00

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Double head specialized brush for oil and wet blend techniques, round and flat tip to ease color change and repeated applications. Ergonomic anti-rolling handle. The HALBERD brush is designed to help miniature painters of all levels in using the wet blending technique with both acrylic paints for miniatures and oil paints, as well as all types of colour that allow long processing times and extended drying times. It has two tips – one round and one flat – suitable for any degree of color dilution.

EVIL EYES – SPEAR spear-shaped brush for miniature painting – €11.00

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Sharp and precise flat tip, spear-shaped, size 6, MKS® fibre, elastic and flexible,extra length and reservoir for the must-have brush in miniature painting. Ideal for highlighting, shading and detail.

The SPEAR brush combines the best of the favourite brushes by miniature painters: large belly to load a large amount of colour, fine and elastic point for controlled strokes, improved ability to maintain shape thanks to the form factor „spear shape“ as the name of the brush says. The peculiar lance shape with increased visible lenght of the fibre is made to resist better than round tip brushes for use on three-dimensional surfaces. The compact, sharp and elastic tip allows to lay out fine lines, the generous reservoir allows a long brushstroke and a slow color release.

Quelle: PWork Wargames


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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