von BK-Sebastian | 27.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Postapokalypse

Punkapocalyptic: Preview und Patreon

Bad Roll Games zeigen die nächste Unami-Figur sowie Piraten aus ihrem Patreon

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Miniature for July’s Patreon 🦀
The first Craabian. It would be a new faction with a pirate style and smell of the sea.
As always, with alternative head chosen by a patron, who in this occasion represents himself.
What do you think? Available at STL only during July.
Join our Patreon 🤘 3D prints of the files at cheap prices, raffles, official secret chat with news previews, official background creation…. What more do you need?
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We show you a new miniature of the new Unami faction, that will be part of a new Punkapocalyptic starter box that will face them against the Black Blood Children and that will be released during the Freak Wars that will take place on the 7th and 8th of September.
Quelle: Punkapocalyptic auf Facebook

Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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