von BK-Jonah | 09.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Printable Scenery: Neuheiten

Printable Scenery präsentiert neues Gelände im morsch-klapprigen Stil.

Ramshackle Ramparts, Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts and The Gates of Ramshackle

Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 1

The Ramshackle Ramparts and The Gates of Ramshackle are available to download for those who chose the Cities of Ramshackle Bundle or The All-In Ramshackle, Ruin, and Port Bundles.

The Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts are available to download for those who chose the Cities of Ruins Bundle or The All-In Ramshackle, Ruin, and Port Bundles.

Ramshackle Ramparts – $9.95

The Ramshackle Ramparts are a set of 3D printer models providing defensive positions for your miniatures. It includes two types of tower and two lengths of wall, as well as ladders. There are also corbel slots to personalize your ramparts.

Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 2 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 3 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 4 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 5 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 6 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts 7

The Gates of Ramshackle – $9.95

The Gates of Ramshackle is a 3D printer model designed to fit with the Ramshackle Ramparts. It includes corbel slots for customization and large, wooden gates that open on a hinge.

Printable Scenery The Gates Of Ramshackle 1 Printable Scenery The Gates Of Ramshackle 2 Printable Scenery The Gates Of Ramshackle 3 Printable Scenery The Gates Of Ramshackle 4 Printable Scenery The Gates Of Ramshackle 5 Printable Scenery The Gates Of Ramshackle 6

Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts – $9.95

The Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts depicts destroyed defensive positions in the aftermath of battle. There are three types of tower, two lengths of wall and a ruined gate included.

Printable Scenery Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 1 Printable Scenery Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 2 Printable Scenery Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 3 Printable Scenery Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 4 Printable Scenery Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 5 Printable Scenery Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 6

Ramshackle Ramparts and Gate Bundle – $19.95

By purchasing this product you will get the following products:

  • The Gates of Ramshackle
  • Ramshackle Ramparts
  • Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts

Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts Bundle 1 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts Bundle 2 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts Bundle 3 Printable Scenery Ramshackle Ramparts Bundle 4

Quelle: Printable Scenery


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • eigentlich recht geil, nur die komischen Statuen gefallen mir garnicht und passen aus meiner Sicht nicht dazu.

    Als Promo Druck hätte ich mir aber einen besseren FDM Drucker gewählt, diese sichtbaren Schichten sind nicht mehr Zeitgemäß.

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