von bkredaktion | 07.02.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

Popov Laboratory: Cinderak City Tile

Im Herzen eines Kraters in den Ashewüsten eines Industrieplaneten in der fernen Zukunft liegt eine florierende Siedlung, die es jetzt von Popov Laboratory als Hexfeld zum gestalten von Kampagnenkarten gibt.

Popov Laboratory Cinderak City Ash Wastes Campaign Tile 1 Popov Laboratory Cinderak City Ash Wastes Campaign Tile 2

Welcome to Cinderak City !
Last months we got the Deep Wastes and Near Wastes achieved. It is now time to set up the Master Piece in the center of the Cinderak Crater for your Ash Wastes Campaign.
With 6 tiles connecting to : The Flats, One Road, Outcast Passage, Klaasmar’s Choice, Bullet Gate and Cogway , we are now ready to reach the final step with the Wild Wastes and complete the whole Ash Wastes Campaign tiles collection.
Have a look at the previous campaigns material on MMF : https://www.myminifactory.com/users/PopovLaboratory
Or feel free to follow on Patreon for more Ash Wastes tiles : https://www.patreon.com/popovlaboratory
Quelle: Popov Laboratory auf Facebook

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