von BK-Jonah | 21.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: Historisch, Moderne

Pendraken: Neuheiten

Pendraken bringen einige neue Modelle für ihre Reihe zum Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg.

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten

New AWI Releases!

We’ve got an early Christmas present for everyone this weekend, with another batch of fantastic Clib sculpts for our American War of Independence ranges! The bulk of these are expanding our German codes to add more infantry, command and artillery, and then we’ve got a sprinkling of American and British items too.


AWA29 Militia, marching in shirt sleeves £6.75
AWA30 State militia advancing, charged bayonets £6.75
AWA31 State militia firing line, standing £6.75
AWA32 State militia firing line, kneeling (15) £3.40
AWA33 Light infantry marching £6.75
AWA34 Light infantry skirmishing £6.75
AWA35 Dismounted Dragoons (15) £3.40


AWB56 Loyalist line, marching £6.75
AWB57 Loyalist line, command (15) £3.40
AWB58 Landing Party of Naval ratings £6.75
AWB59 British mounted infantry £6.75
AWB60 Amusette teams £6.75
AWB61 Artillery crews in shirt sleeves (15) £3.40
AWB62 Volunteers of Ireland marching £6.75


AWG12 Brunswick Dragoons £6.75
AWG13 Brunswick Dragoons on foot £6.75
AWG14 Hessian musketeers, marching £6.75
AWG15 Hessian musketeers, advancing with bayonet £6.75
AWG16 Hessian musketeers, firing £6.75
AWG17 Hessian musketeer command, advancing (15) £3.40
AWG18 Hessian fusiliers marching £6.75
AWG19 Hessians fusiliers advancing with the bayonet £6.75
AWG20 Hessian fusilier command, advancing (18) £4.10
AWG21 Hessian grenadiers, marching £6.75
AWG22 Hessian grenadiers advancing with fixed bayonets £6.75
AWG23 Hessian grenadiers firing £6.75
AWG24 Hessian grenadier command, advancing (15) £3.40
AWG25 German mounted Officers (4) £2.00
AWG26 Hessian Colonels (3) £1.50
AWG27 3pdr guns with crew (3) £6.75
AWG28 6pdr guns with crew (3) £6.75
AWG29 6pdr battalion guns with crew (3) £6.75

American Dismounted Dragoons:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 1

Naval landing party:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 2

Amusette teams:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 3

Brunswick Dragoons:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 4

Hessian fusilier command:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 5

German mounted officers:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 6

6pdr guns with German crews:

Pendraken American War Of Independence Neuheiten 7

Quelle: Pendraken


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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