von BK-Christian | 13.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: Community

Paul Sawyer: Go Fund Me & Charity Miniatur

Die Familie von Paul Sawyer hat eine Go Fund Me Kampagne eingerichtet, um Unterstützung für Pauls letzte Monate zu erhalten, und Warlord Games haben eine Miniatur zu seinen Ehren veröffentlicht.

Paul Sawyer Go Fund Me 2024

Konkret geht es vor allem darum, Assistenzgeräte und Sonderausstattung zu ermöglichen, um Paul seine verbleibende Zeit so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten.

Make Dad’s remaining months as comfortable as possible

On April 13th 2024, Dad was taken ill at a war gaming conference in London and the family were told to head to London right away. I’ll refer to him as Paul for the purpose of this story, as many people know Dad as a bit of wargaming legend.

At first the medics thought he had suffered a stroke and so he was put into an induced coma and remained on the ICU for the next week.

Following copious tests and scans, we finally received the devastating news in May that he has stage 4 Glioblastoma, one of the most aggressive and deadly forms of brain cancer.

Since the diagnosis, Paul has received incredibly intense treatments in an attempt to shrink the tumour and buy us some more time with him, but the fact remains that his diagnosis is terminal and he is only expected to live 12-14 months from the diagnosis.

It’s become our mission to make Dad’s last months as happy and exciting as we can so that he has the chance to truly LIVE every single day.

Since people have found out about the diagnosis there has been an overwhelming display of kindness from all across the world, with many asking if there’s any way in which they can help. We’re currently trying to get some disability aids and home adaptations to help dad keep his independent mobility for as long as he can. Unfortunately, there is only so much that the NHS can do so we’re opening up the opportunity for anyone who has ever known Dad or appreciated his hard work over the years, to donate anything they can to help us make Dad as comfortable and happy as possible.

Die Kampagne hat bereits eine große Summe erreicht.

Quelle: Make Dad’s remaining months as comfortable as possible

Warlord Games haben außerdem eine Paul Sawyer Charity Miniatur veröffentlicht um Spenden für The Brain Tumour Charity zu sammeln.

WG Sergeant Sawyer Charity Figure 1 WG Sergeant Sawyer Charity Figure 2 WG Sergeant Sawyer Charity Figure 3

Sergeant Sawyer Charity Figure – 12,00€

A true legend of the tabletop, Sergeant Sawyer stands ready to lead his British Airborne on another daring mission. Always on hand when he’s most needed, dispensing sage advice, copious amounts of hot lead, and a bawdy joke or two, his tireless efforts are a huge asset on the battlefield!

This model represents our illustrious and beloved co-founder, Paul Sawyer. Paul has sadly been forced to step away from Warlord Games due to a serious illness, but we wanted to commemorate and celebrate his incredible career and passion for our hobby with a special figure. Shown in British Airborne uniform, a nod to the many, many Red Devils he’s painted over the years, Sergeant Sawyer is our tribute to a man without whom Warlord Games would simply not exist, and our lives be far the poorer. Proudly bearing Paul’s smiling face, Sergeant Sawyer is an essential figure for every collection.

All proceeds from the sale of this figure will go to The Brain Tumour Charity, an incredibly worthy cause chosen by Paul himself.

Contains 1 metal miniature with 25mm round plastic base.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Spende ist raus als kleiner Gruß aus der Hobbygemeinschaft. Ich fühle mich ja im Hobby doch immer etwas verbundener als mit anderen Menschen auf der Welt. Auch wenn ich ihn vorher nicht bewusst wahrgenommen habe.

    Die Mini ist cool!

  • Merci schreibt ihr darüber. Gespendet habe ich schon vorgestern – bei dem Genuss, Warlord Games Bücher zu lesen, darf man auch mal etwas zurückgeben.

    Das Leben ist manchmal ein A**loch. :/

  • Für mich gehörte er in meinen jungen Jahren zu GW wie die Perrys und co.
    Habe die Artikel von ihm geliebt und mit ihm versucht eine monatlich größer werdende Chaosbande anzuschaffen.
    Spende ist raus.

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