von BK-Rafael | 27.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: September News #4 – OPR 3.4.0

OnePageRules zeigen die vierte News des Monats mit Previews, sowie die Veröffentlichung von OPR 3.4.0.

Opr Sept4 01 Orp Sept Defenders 1 03 Orp Sept Glade Leader 1 06 Orp Sept Scouts 1 07 Orp Sept Spell Weaver 1 02 Orp Sept Giant Owls 1 05 Orp Sept Drill Sergeant 1 08 Orp Sept Sappers 1 11 Orp Sept Grunts 1 09 Orp Sept Psy Hacker 1 10 Orp Sept Giant Otter Priest 1 04

September News & Previews #4

Release of OPR 3.4.0

Opr 340patch

Link to the extensive Patch Notes.

Age of Fantasy World Book Available Now!

Orp Sept AoFWB Announcement 12

The Age of Fantasy World Book is now available in PDF on DriveThruRPG!

This year has seen the story and lore behind the Age of Fantasy setting debut on a much larger scale. This started with our second narrative campaign, Secrets of Tixal, and now includes monthly short stories and a nearly complete Age of Fantasy Quest Campaign! As with our earlier release of the Grimdark Future World Book, this is our first opportunity to introduce the word itself beyond the fleeting glimpses offered by narrative campaigns, short army book introductions, illustrations and design cues on models.

The World Book is our opportunity to introduce the world itself to our players, laying the groundwork for more exciting lore and allowing you to figure out a little more about where your army fits into this vast world!
Leave us a Review on DriveThruRPG

Already bought the book? Please leave us a review of the Age of Fantasy World Book on DriveThruRPG! It is the best way to both let us and others know what you think about the book and help spread awareness of the book.

Click Here to Read More on Our Website

Live Stream

Orp Sept Live Stream Poster 13

On the last week of every month, we’re running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved. This is a relaxed stream, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our creation process whilst chatting a bit and having some fun.

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/live/SXEFe4xo3oI?si=iIhNoHggCnuU3yBS

Community Videos

Orp Sept MiniWargaming 14

One Page Rules is happy to announce that we’ve teamed up with MiniWarGaming to bring you battle reports of our games! MiniWarGaming has a long history of producing high quality and entertaining battle reports, and we’re thrilled to work with them to produce even more OPR content and grow the One Page Rules community!

Check out the first video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWQjvT8mo1k

Orp Sept Haunts Wargaming 15

Haunt’s Wargaming have a new battle report as well, this one a tale of revenge as the Shadow Stalkers take on the Saurians in a rematch.

Check out the Haunt’s Wargaming video here: https://youtu.be/zJPTFhUvrpw

Short Stories

Orp Sept Short Stories Web September 16

Dive into the worlds of Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy with two short stories, available now on our website! These stories give you a taste of life and conflict in our settings. All of our stories are available in our new Short Stories section of the website, and we will add new stories every month!
Read This Month’s Stories:

Get Early Access & New Themed Missions on Patreon

Want even more? Patrons get access to our stories one month early! Not only that, we also have new playable missions for our games for each story, including the two above that you can play right now! These missions are themed around each of the stories and are a great way to bring the lore to your tabletop.

Get Early Access Short Stories + Missions on the Tier 1 Rewards Post


At the top of the post, you’ll find concept art previews of some of our models releasing in November.

In November the red and yellow leaves of Fall trees make home for the Wood Elves. The Glade Leader is a protector of the Heartwood, leading his defenders against the enemies of the forest with great tactical knowledge of the woods. The Spell Weaver channels the magical energy of nature to support the warrior of the forest and uses the forest itself to attack and hinder enemies of the Heartwood. The Defenders are the first line of defense against the forces that threaten the trees and beasts of their homeland, always ready to mobilize to get between the enemy and those they protect. The Scouts are always on patrol, silently and carefully watching the edges of their forests for enemies. Experts at navigating the woods and remaining unseen, their arrows can take care of threats before they become a problem. The Giant Owls are swift and deadly hunters, flying high, they can pick out their prey and descend upon them with razor claws that are impossible to escape. Connected to the Spirit of the Heartwood, they will always help the Wood Elves in their times of need.

The Human Defense Force’s November campaign starts with the Drill Sergeant getting the troops in line. An army that fights in anger can achieve great things and the Drill Sergeant is a master at riling up his unit to impossible feats in combat. Psy-Hackers use technology to break into the forces of destruction so easily manipulated by psychics of other factions. They use this data to create real world anomalies or to enhance units with advanced tactical maneuvers. Sappers are special weapon experts that employ an array of heavier weapons to devastating effect. With their advanced training they’re able to assume a variety of battlefield roles based on their loadout. The GRUNTs are robotic soldiers designed for war. Expensive to build and maintain, they are designed to be heavily armored and effective at special tasks and missions that human infantry wouldn’t be able to endure.

In November the Ratmen find another suitable companion for their growth serum as the Giant Otter makes it’s way to the army front. Paired with a Ratmen Priest the Giant Otter serves as a faithful companion, getting the priest to where he needs to be in the heart of battle.

That’s it for now, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: OnePageRules, Patreon, OPR 3.4.0 Patch Notes


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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