von BK-Rafael | 20.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: Rangers Programm und News

OnePageRules präsentieren eine Vorschau auf den kommenden Monat und leiten das Rangers Programm ein.

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Introducing the OPR Rangers Program

We understand the importance of an active, vibrant community when playing tabletop games, and that is why we are happy to introduce the OPR Rangers Program, our Organized Events Program for the One Page Rules community. With this new program we hope to make it easier than ever to organize local events, find other players, and most importantly, play your favorite One Page Rules games.

Opr Rangers 2

OPR Rangers

The core part of the OPR Rangers Program is of course the Rangers themselves. OPR Rangers are enthusiastic, positive, vital community organizers who help spread the love of their favorite One Page Rules games, organize regular local events, and grow their local OPR communities. These volunteers will be the ambassadors to their local gaming communities and will have our support to make it easier for interested players to get involved.

What if I am Already Organizing a Local OPR Community?

If you’re already organizing a local OPR Community, that is fantastic. Thank you for all you’ve done to help grow the OPR Community and help people enjoy playing the games we make. We encourage you to still apply to be be an OPR Ranger and tell us about this community in your application! This may help others find your community and keep it growing and healthy, as well as make it easier for us to keep in contact and give you the support we can. Even if you choose to not join the OPR Rangers program, we still encourage you to submit your community events so that they can be listed in the monthly event posts.

To Become an OPR Ranger, You Must:

  • Have strong knowledge of your favorite One Page Rules games, and be able to teach the games to others.
  • Organize and Host at least one public OPR Community Event each month.
  • Be an enthusiastic, positive, ambassador for the OPR Community and be a positive representative of the OPR Brand.

Download the OPR Rangers Program Guide

We’ve prepared a guide on being an OPR Ranger and some advice on what sort of events to run and how to organize them.

If you would like to join the OPR Rangers Program and help foster and grow your local OPR Community, please submit your application to become an OPR Ranger today.

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Community Events

The other vital part of an Organized Events Program are the events themselves. That’s why we are asking everyone to let us know about any public OPR community events that they are organizing so that we can publish a monthly list of events on our website. This will make it easier to find opportunities to play your favorite One Page Rules games as well as connect with fellow players in your community!

Here are some examples of some events you could run:

  • Regular Casual Game Night
  • A Narrative Campaign or Slow Grow League
  • A Demo Night to Teach New Players
  • A Hobby or Painting Event
  • A Tournament

We do ask that you only submit events that are open to the public. We are unable to advertise private events.

Submit a Community Event

The Future of the OPR Rangers Program

This is only the beginning of the OPR Rangers Program and we have big plans and ambitions on how it can grow. We appreciate all of our local OPR communities and organizers, and we hope that with this new program we can help support them even better and help them grow.

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team

Opr Dez Short Stories

Short Stories on the Website

Dive into the worlds of Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy with two short stories, available now on our website! These stories give you a taste of life and conflict in our settings. All of our stories are available in our new Short Stories section of the website, and we will add new stories every month!

Read This Month’s Stories:

Get Early Access & New Themed Missions on Patreon

Want even more? Patrons get access to our stories one month early! Not only that, we also have new playable missions for our games for each story, including the two above that you can play right now! These missions are themed around each of the stories and are a great way to bring the lore to your tabletop.

Opr Dez Banner Happy Holidays

OPR Holiday Schedule

As the holidays approach, many here at the OPR Team will be taking time to celebrate. Because the dates of the holidays line up with some of our scheduled posts, there may be some small delays posting the coming month’s previews and with the new year, a delay of a day or so with the release of items and info that change over at the end of the month/beginning of the month.

Thank you all for understanding and we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season this year!

Quelle: OnePageRules, Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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    • Also ich bin von den Geschützen und Raketenwerfern nicht so begeistert. Die Waffen selber sind ok aber die Lafette finde ich gar nicht gelungen.
      Als ich das Konzept mit dem Kettenlaufwerk gesehen habe dachte ich, cool mal was anderes und eigenständiges, die Zeichnung finde ich auch immer noch gut. Die Umsetzung hingegen ist für meinen Geschmack nicht gelungen. Die Holme sind total langweilig, das Laufwerk auch. Was sollen die großen offen liegenden Zahnräder. Das paßt null ins Setting und zum Stil der Minis, speziell der Roboter Bedienmannschaft. Das hat Steampunk aber keine Science Fiction/ Space Opera Vibes. Echt eine verspielte Chance.

  • Das fette Monster ist ganz nice. 🙂
    Die Geschütze (wie schnuersi schon sagte) naja… erinnert irgendwie an Playmobil? Und warum hängen die Kettenglieder nicht zumindest etwas durch? 🙄 Irgendwie nicht mein Geschmack. Da gibt es echt hübschere Designs (Stationforge, The Makers Cult, RedMakers…) 🙄🤐

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