von BK-Rafael | 18.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: Oktober News #3

OnePageRules zeigen die dritte News des Monats mit Previews.

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October News & Previews #3

Changes to our Only-Games Store

Opr Okt3 08

Due to sudden new fees being introduced by Only-Games, we are making the difficult decision of changing our offerings on our Only-Games store. These new fees would require us to increase the price of many individual heroes and units to a level we are not comfortable with, and would leave us with a half-empty store that doesn’t provide players with all their gaming needs. Army bundles are the least affected by the new fees, as well as some of the most popular items sold on our store since their launch, so we are going to focus on those instead.

Check out the post on our website to find out about all the changes
In light of this, we would like to inform you that we’ve already been working on alternatives for a while, and with this new development are going to do our best to provide you with them sooner rather than later, so expect an announcement soon!

Edge of the Radiance

Opr Okt3 09

Edge of the Radiance, an all new narrative campaign for Grimdark Future by One Page Rules, is available on MyMiniFactory’s Frontiers right now! Two armies clash on a distant world with forces lead by four new Heroes and a full epic story to play through.

The Frontiers Campaign Features:

  • An All-New Narrative Campaign for Grimdark Future
  • Four New Hero Models
  • Two Full Sci-Fi Armies featuring Hundreds of Models
  • Exclusive Paint Sets from Two Thin Coats
  • High Quality Brush Sets from Chronicle
  • And More!

We’ve teamed up with our friends from MiniWarGaming to give you a taste of what to expect when playing Edge of the Radiance. The match was filmed using an early draft of the book, so you may notice some changes when you get your copy.

Watch the Battle Report on Youtube

Looking for new Team Members

Opr Okt3 10

OPR Games is looking for passionate new members for our team. We’re looking for talented individuals for roles in Graphic Design and Marketing Managing.

To learn about the roles where to apply head to the website post

New Previews

At the top of post, you’ll see some early previews of the what we are working on for November!

In November the red and yellow leaves of Fall trees make home for the Wood Elves. The Scouts are always on patrol, silently and carefully watching the edges of their forests for enemies. Experts at navigating the woods and remaining unseen, their arrows can take care of threats before they become a problem. The Giant Owls are swift and deadly hunters, flying high, they can pick out their prey and descend upon them with razor claws that are impossible to escape. Connected to the Spirit of the Heartwood, they will always help the Wood Elves in their times of need.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models and not the final versions of the models.

That’s it for now, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team


Quelle: OnePageRules, Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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