von BK-Rafael | 16.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: März News und Vorschau #2

OnePageRules zeigen Neuigkeiten und Vorschau zu neuen Modellen.

OprCover Page Bat Horror OprHEF Noble Pose1 Femalerevised2 OprHEF Noble Pose1 Maleheadrevised3 OprHEF Noble Pose1 Malerevised2 OprHEF Strikers Pose Revised 01 OprVU BH 11 OprVU BH 12 OprVU BH 13

March News & Previews #2

OprArmy Shot

In April, in partnership with prominent miniature makers Archvillain Games and Titan-Forge Miniatures, OPR Games is launching the Worlds Beyond campaign on MyMiniFactory’s Frontiers. It will not only give you the opportunity to acquire hordes of minis at great value, but will also feature rules for each model included, allowing you to field your armies in our games.

For a while already, we at OPR have been pushing the OPR Compatibility Program, working with various creators to include custom rules with their models and Worlds Beyond is the next step towards this vision of an open wargaming philosophy. We want players to be able to use their miniatures in our games, wherever they come from; and we want to foster an ecosystem where creators thrive together.

We’re starting with a preview of one of the Archvillan Games armies, The Frostburn Horrors. A frozen melting pot featuring axe-wielding Bear warriors, hulking Frost Giants, shamanic bands of Pingvi bird-men, savage Ice Trolls and cold-blooded Fenwir wolf warriors, among others.

Check out the full Preview on our Website.

Opr65f0abff1c5560ac29b714dd Short Stories Post Mar

Dive into the worlds of Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy with two short stories, available now on our website! These stories give you a taste of life and conflict in our settings. All of our stories are available in our new Short Stories section of the website, and we will add new stories every month!
Read This Month’s Stories:

Grimdark Future – Last to Leave by Pierre Mortel

Age of Fantasy – Torn From Home by Alexander Thompson

Get Early Access & New Themed Missions on Patreon

Want even more? Patrons get access to our stories one month early! Not only that, we also have new playable missions for our games for each story, including the two above that you can play right now! These missions are themed around each of the stories and are a great way to bring the lore to your tabletop.

Get Early Access Short Stories + Missions on the Teir 1 Rewards Post

Opr IntextVU BH 13

At the top of post, you’ll see some early previews of the what we are working on for April!

Soaring in from the black skies above are Vampiric Undead Bat Horrors. These transformed vampires silently descend on their victims, furiously biting at their prey. With Ambush and Flying, they are able to strike at vulnerable targets with ease.

The High Elf Fleets Noble is an aristocratic hero. They take great pride in their abilities to lead their forces. Armed with an Energy Weapon, armor wont save anyone who manages to get close. The Strikers are front line troopers who deploy ahead of the force to quickly engage the enemy in close combat. Bringing with them some firepower in the form of a Flamer or Fusion Rifle, there’s no target safe from these scouts.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models and not the final versions of the models.

That’s it for this week, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: OnePageRules


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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