von BK-Rafael | 30.12.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: Januar Preview + Roadmap

OnePageRules zeigen eine Vorschau und Roadmap für Januar und darüber hinaus.

Opr Jan 01 Opr Jan 08 Opr Jan 07 Opr Jan 06 Opr Jan 05 Opr Jan 04 Opr Jan 03 Opr Jan 02 Opr Jan 09 Opr Jan 10 Opr Jan 13 Opr Jan 12 Opr Jan 11 Opr Jan 14 Opr Jan 15

January Preview + Roadmap

In January the Wood Elves mount up to take the fight to the enemy. Deer riders use the careful hooves of the majestic creatures to traverse the forest floor quickly. While the Giant Beetle makes a well armored platform from which to send off volley after volley of arrows and ballistae. The HDF snipers are hidden elements of surprise, able to take out enemy commanders and cause chaos in their wake. From that chaos the Field Artillery and Heavy Tank rain down destruction on their confused foes.

Please remember that these are early WIP shots of the models and not the final versions of the models.

Be sure to join our Patreon to get our December Rewards!

January New Release

In January the creatures of the forest partner with the Wood Elves to protect their home. Forest Deer are the mount of choice for the Deer Riders and their Leader. These nimble mounts are swift and steady, leaping over brush and felled trees with ease to get their riders ready for the first strike. The Glade Guardians‘ arrows thread themselves between the trees and branches over long distances to dispatch their enemies. Quick on their feet, they can deftly maneuver over terrain so the enemy has a hard time closing the gap. Enemies of the Heartwood watch your feet as even the smallest creatures defend the forest. Beetle Swarms gather beneath the brush to overwhelm with numbers. The Giant Beetle, on the other end of the spectrum, is a large and terrifying insect that uses it’s exoskeleton of horns, claws, and carapace to rampage through enemy units. Uniting all the defenders of the forest is the Army Standard, a rallying point to elf, tree, beast and bug alike.

The Human Defense Force start January off with another tactical leader. Intel is what can make or break a campaign of war, so gathering the best intel to pass onto the troops is the job of the Forward Observer. Selecting the right targets and relaying their location means more direct hits for other HDF personnel. The Snipers and Sniper Leader are mission oriented marksmen, tasked with the elimination of high priority targets they can shift the tides of battle with one well placed shot. The Field Artillery are quick deploy weapon encampments. Easy to set up, they provide necessary heavy firepower from an entrenched position. The HDF Heavy Tank is a show of force from the humans to would be antagonizers, decked out with massive dual heavy weapons and an array of additional armaments it’s as deadly as its imposing size suggests.

In January the Vampiric Undead flesh crafters unleash their latest prototype the Butcher Titan. This massive mountain of muscle and flesh uses it’s body as a weapon, lumbering across the battlefield swinging it’s massive cleaver. Watching its gargantuan blade carving and hacking out great chunks of land will shred the nerves of even the most stalwart defenders.

For Age of Fantasy: Quest the Lust Daemon Sorcerer commands the manipulative power of havoc magic to devastating effect. Armed only with her magic, she helps her party by empowering them, twisting their emotions so that they delight in the pleasure of combat, granting them advantages. By turning those senses against the sentries, she can make them feel pain they’ve never even thought possible.

For Grimdark Future: Star Quest the Dwarf Guilds Sentinel is a patient force in a chaotic situation, always taking the time to aim correctly and use the correct amount of shots. His stoic nature allows him to shrug off damage that would otherwise hinder other operatives, so that he may continue to dish out punishment at a steady pace.

In January the Urban Terrain finds itself underfoot with the Scatter Terrain. This form of terrain features additional features that you can add to other terrain types or bases so that you can customize how it looks, perfecting your theatre of war.

The Desert Terrain also gets it’s start with the Small Terrain. This Terrain type creates some obstacles and barriers for troops to dodge or maneuver around. They wont take up to much space, but they’re worth hiding behind when the enemy has it’s sights set on your forces.

For our 2D releases, you’ll see the Vampiric Undead – Set #4 and the Alien Hives – Set #3, plus Paper Terrain sets for both of them. The 2D models are a great way to prepare armies for games quickly!

You’ll also get 8 Short Stories with Missions and early access to the Heart of the Rot campaign for Age of Fantasy: Quest and early access to the Into the Frontier campaign for Grimdark Future: Star Quest

3D Print Rewards (1 legend + 63 models + 112 bases + 18 game aids + 35 Terrain):

  • Legendary – Vampiric Undead Butcher Titan x1
  • Wood Elves – Champion on Deer Mount x2
  • Wood Elves – Army Standard x2
  • Wood Elves – Guardians x16
  • Wood Elves – Deer Riders x12
  • Wood Elves – Beetle Swarms x3
  • Wood Elves – Giant Beetle x3
  • Wood Elves – Themed Bases x56
  • Wood Elves – Gaming Aids x9
  • Human Defense Force – Forward Observer x3
  • Human Defense Force – Sniper Leader x3
  • Human Defense Force – Snipers x10
  • Human Defense Force – Field Artillery x6
  • Human Defense Force – Heavy Tank x3
  • Human Defense Force – Themed Bases x56
  • Human Defense Force – Game Aids x9
  • Urban Scatter Terrain x24
  • Desert Small Terrain x11
  • AoF: Quest – Lust Daemon Sorcerer x1
  • GF: Star Quest – Dwarf Guilds Sentinel x1
  • GF: Warfleets – Xenos Fleet x4

2D Print Rewards:

  • Vampiric Undead #4
  • Vampiric Undead Terrain
  • Alien Hives #3
  • Alien Hives Terrain

Lore Rewards:

  • 8 Short Stories + Missions!

Early Access Rewards:

  • AoF: Quest – Heart of the Rot Chapters 1-3
  • GF: Star Quest – Into the Frontier Chapters 1-4

The above is only the new stuff that’s being added next month, so you’re also getting a ton of other welcome pack minis, a 50% discount code for our MyMiniFactory store, games, and much more!

Project Roadmap

February frosts are no reason for the Wood Elves to let their guard down. The Grove Champion is an experienced leader, having been around for many a changing season. Leading units from the front, their heavy weapons will cleave down the enemies like broken branches. The Champion on Great Stag is both swift and deadly as the stag uses it’s nimble legs to charge in fast and his great heavy antlers to clash heads with every manner of great best or unit. The Grove Wardens are tasked with the uphill battle of fighting creatures much larger than themselves. With heavy weapons in hand, they’ll use teamwork and the weight of their attacks to pick apart even the largest of enemies. The Deer Lancers use a tandem assault of beast and rider. Using lance and antler, they charge in fast and furious. One or both having a devastating impact on their target. The Mounted Weavers are the forests mobile spell slingers. Using their majestic horned owl mounts to quickly get into range, only to barrage their enemies with poisonous blasts from their magic staves.

Rumbling in from the distance are the February Human Defense Force. The Storm Leader and Storm Troopers are experts in quick and strategic deployment. Rapidly deploying when the are called in by other units, they can turn the tide of battle with a daring rescue, capture and secure an objective, or just clean up the field to allow other units to continue with their orders. The HDF Bikers and their Leader are a light rapid assault unit. Their job is to harass the enemy with ride by maneuvers, either shooting with their pistols, or riding into the enemy head on before continuing through them. The Light Walker is a mobile weapons platform suited for work in tandem with ground level troops. Cheaper to deploy and maintain, it is more accessible to generals who need to fit more firepower into a smaller package.

In February HDF command has also cleared for use the Super Heavy Battle Tank. This giant machine of Gatling Guns, Cannons, Mortars, and Lasers is an entire arsenal on treads. Supporting troop transport as well as an array of the heaviest weapons the HDF engineers can imagine, it’s a full army onto itself, one the enemy would rather not be staring down the barrel of.

Here is the roadmap for the next few months:

  • February – Wood Elves & Human Defense Force + New Fantasy Terrain + New welcome Pack
  • March – Wood Elves & Human Defense Force
  • April – Wood Elves & New Sci-fi Army + New Loyalty Rewards

That’s it for now, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: OnePageRules, Patreon


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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