von BK-Rafael | 01.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: Februar News und Vorschau #4

OnePageRules zeigen Neuigkeiten und Vorschau zu neuen Modellen.

Opr01 Opr HEF PC NOBLE Opr 12 CArt DMP Epic Soul Demon Opr11 HEF PC ARTILLERY Opr10 HEF PC STORM Opr09 HEF PC HIGH SEER Opr08 HEF PC HIGH SEER Opr06 Opr05 Opr04 Opr03 Opr02

February News & Previews #4

Opr Tixal Last Day

Our Secrets of Tixal Frontier’s Campaign ends on February 29th, so there is only one day left to get the campaign and mini STLs at their discounted prices! Not only can you get the new hero models and the all-new narrative campaign for Age of Fantasy, but these are the lowest prices that the Saurian and Vinci armies have been offered since their release!


An All-New Narrative Campaign
Four New Hero Models
Two Full Armies featuring over 200 digital models
Two Exclusive Paint Sets from Two Thin Coats
High Quality Brush Sets from Chronicle
And More!

10% Discount for Tier 2 Patrons.

Want to save even more on the campaign? Tier 2 Patreon Subscribers can get an additional 10% Discount Code for the main pledge Tiers. You can find the code on the Tier 2 rewards post on Patreon.

Opr Painting Contest Voting Feb

The submissions are in, and now it’s time to vote for your favorites!

See all entries here:

Solo – https://photos.app.goo.gl/fSRKbsUv428eK9PN9
Unit – https://photos.app.goo.gl/2iQNz7kF62jgFZJb6
Legend – https://photos.app.goo.gl/eGfPD85nsCBwb9ed6
Army – https://photos.app.goo.gl/B9YtLvSxJ3e7n2Dr7Vote here: https://forms.gle/Ppmfw29ZAjoH1XkD9

Good luck to all the participants, and may the best ones win. 😀

Opr S Geckos

On the last week of every month, we’re running an OPR Hangout stream over on YouTube, where we showcase upcoming releases, sneak peeks at future content, and have a Q&A session for you to get involved. This is a relaxed stream, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at our creation process whilst chatting a bit and having some fun.

The next stream is going to be on February 29th at 20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST / 12:00 PST.

Subscribe to get notified: https://www.youtube.com/@onepagerules

Send in your questions here: https://forms.gle/KzRaRtqAebeEWuaU8

Opr Short Stories

Dive into the worlds of Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy with our first two short stories, available now on our website! These stories give you a taste of life and conflict in our settings. All of our stories are available in our new Short Stories section of the website, and we will add new stories every month!
Read This Month’s Stories:

‍Grimdark Future – Jackpot by Pierre Mortel

‍Age of Fantasy – Song of the Kad’wala by Pierre Mortel

Get Early Access & New Themed Missions on Patreon

As Members of the Patreon you already get access to the short stories one month early. Not only that, included with the Patreon stories are new playable missions for our games. While the short stories will continue to be available on the website only the 6 most recent stories and missions will be available on Patreon, so download them before the end of each month!


At the top of the post, you’ll find concept art previews of some of our models releasing in April.

In April the Vampiric Undead terrorize their foes with the Champion on Abyssal Beast. The Horror doesn’t stop there as the Bat Horrors and Bat Dragon descend in support. The Skeleton Watch hold down the ramparts with sturdy armor and long range crossbows that drive through enemy defenses. Charging out the gates is the Deathly Chariot, causing enemies to flee in fear when it’s skeleton crew sets their eyes on them.

Also in April the High Elf Fleets send out their psychics with the High Oracle and the Acolytes, guiding their units and raining down devastation with their supernatural abilities. The Elven Noble is a master of the elven war arts and the Strikers bring the fight to the enemy, deploying ahead to swiftly engage what’s left of the enemy after the Support Artillery is done with their barrage.

Lastly in April is the Plague Daemons Epic Soul Daemon whose vile cannon and sword melts their adversaries with a toxic drip. It’s dense body of overlapping caps and scales is extra difficult to hack down.

That’s it for now, happy wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: OnePageRules


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • Bin mal gespannt
    die März Vorschau war ja eher mau (die Vampire gut aber die Eldar einfach mies)
    mal sehen wie die Artworks in Figuren überführt werden.

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