von BK-Rafael | 12.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

OnePageRules: Edge of the Radiance Kampagne

OnePageRules präsentieren die Kampagne auf MyMiniFactory.com von Edge of the Radiance.

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Welcome to One Page Rules‘ New Narrative Event!

Situated near the nefarious cosmic anomaly called the Radiance, the remote Eternal Dynasty colony of Loung We is probably one of the worst assignments one can get. Captain Lyao has resigned himself to this exile and spends his time overseeing mushroom production and trying to maintain his facilities. Even some of his own soldiers have little faith in him, including Sergeant Wou, an eager Ninja fresh off training.

This life of austere boredom is about to be brutally interrupted. From the cold void of space emerges an Alien Hive ship. Led by Prime Warrior Druzhak and his advisor Vradhez, the Hivers are reeling from a series of disastrous battles. But Vradhez is convinced that here, on Loung-We, lies the key to their people’s survival.

As landing pods dive towards the planet, both factions are on the brink of destruction. Will they be consumed by the fury of war or will they stop the cycle before it’s too late? And what exactly is hidden in the ruins of Loung We? Everything is not as it seems, and this might not just be one more skirmish at the Edge of the Radiance…

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What is Edge of the Radiance?

Edge of the Radiance is an all new narrative campaign for Grimdark Future, our FREE Sci-Fi Miniature Game. It includes a full narrative story and a progression system in which to decide the fate of of the Eternal Dynasty in Loung We.

The Book sets players on an art-filled adventure across 10 narrative battles where the outcome of one becomes the beginning for the next. Each mission is bridged by a narrative story that creates tension for the next engagement.

The campaign includes 4 all new characters, 2 Heroes for each of the featured factions, Eternal Dynasty and Alien Hives. These awesome heroes play major roles in the narrative and have unique profiles to be used in the games.

We want to offer affordable options to play our flagship Sci-fi games, and satisfy those who will want the full factions as well, so all these options are available as either Tiers (if you want both factions, or all of one faction) or Add-ons (if you’d rather cherry-pick).

See it In Action!

We’ve teamed up with our friends from MiniWarGaming to give you a taste of what to expect when playing Edge of the Radiance. The match was filmed using an early draft of the book, so you may notice some changes when you get your copy.

You can watch their video here:

Play Today!

Everything for Edge of the Radiance is ready to play right now! No waiting for the campaign to finish, the book and all the models can be downloaded immediately upon purchase and all the Heroes and Armies are ready to play in Army Forge, our free list building web app.

Edge of the Radiance is a Narrative Campaign for Grimdark Future, a free Sci-fi Miniature Game from One Page Rules.

To play, all you need is:

Watch More Battles

We’ve also teamed up with Haunt’s Wargaming to film another Grimdark Future Battle Report featuring the armies and heroes from the Edge of the Radiance. Watch the video here:

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Campaign Tiers

Our Campaign Tiers are designed to get you everything you need to play this Narrative Campaign for Grimdark Future.

  • Tier 1: Heroes of Loung We will get you the 31 Page Campaign PDF as well as STL files for the campaign’s four new heroes for only $10. Perfect for long time OPR supporters or players who already have their own armies to play with.
  • Tier 2: Battle Forces includes everything from Tier 1, plus an additional 108 digital models that are the complete Eternal Dynasty Army Bundle #1 and Alien Hives Army Bundle #1 for $60. Over 110 digital models, total! This introduces several elite and monstrous units to the armies for exciting and varied battles at the lowest price these collections have been offered since their release!
  • Tier 3: All-In completes the army packs, Including Tier 1 and Tier 2, it adds an additional 142 digital models! This Tier Adds: Eternal Dynasty Army Bundle #2, and Alien Hives Bundles #2 and #3, plus the Campaign PDF and Heroes, Game Aids and Bases and all for just $120. Over 250 digital models!

Single-army tiers are also available!

We though of OPR fans who already have one faction, and will want the other and the campaign heroes and pdf, so we created two additional tiers that will get you just that at the same great discount.

For truly epic battles, the Titanic models for both factions are available at a huge discount in the add-ons.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I am a long-time supporter and already have both factions, can I support the campaign?

If you already have the armies, you can get the Tier 1 – Heroes of Loung We, which has the 4 new heroes and the campaign book pdf for only $10.

I am also a long-time supporter and already have one of the factions! How can I complete my collection?

Good news! We thought of your predicament. If you want one army and the campaign, we created one tier for each faction, which also includes the campaign’s heroes & pdf at a similar discount as the main tiers. The add-ons also let you pick specific army bundles, although there is no way to apply a discount code or early-bird discount to them.

This way, our long-time supporters who already have some models can fill their hard drive with the same discount level as the main tiers.

What if I already have some units from both armies, but not all of them?

If you already have some models and do not wish to purchase one of the bundles offered in this campaign, you can purchase individual units on our MyMiniFactory Store, and Tier 2 Patreon Supporters get 50% off MyMiniFactory store purchases.

Will the Campaign PDF and the new hero models be available after the campaign ends?

Yes, after the campaign ends, we will make the new models and the Campaign PDF available for purchase separately at their full retail price.

Are the new heroes or the campaign book available physically?

No, the new heroes and the campaign book are only available digitally at this time.

Will the campaign items be released on Patreon?

No. The Heroes and campaign book will not be released on Patreon. The 2 faction ranges have already been released on Patreon and we have no plans to release them there again in the future.

Are all models supported and test-printed?

Yes. All of our models are professionally supported & test-printed by Atlass Support Solutions.

Can I print the models at a different scale?

You can adjust the scale up or down by up to 15% with the built-in supports. Anything beyond that might require you to build custom supports.

How will I receive my files?

Once you pledge into the campaign, the files will become available in your Myminifactory library.

Who is shipping the physical items, and where are they being shipped from?

Two Thin Coats Paints are being shipped by Transatlantis Games from the US or UK.

Chronicle Brush Sets are being shipped by Chronicle from Australia.

Will I have to pay shipping on the physical items?

No! Shipping is included in the item’s prices.

Quelle: Edge of the Radiance auf MMF


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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    • Naja die Oni gefallen mir auch überhaupt nicht. Die sehen schon sehr lowtech aus.
      Aber der Sage ist genial und die Aliens auch. Kann man auch als Dämonen einsetzten.

  • Das Design bei OPR schwankt in meinen Augen immer extrem zwischen „ganz gut“ und „was soll das denn bitte“. Die schon erwähnten Panzer, die Titans sind bestenfalls ein Scherz und ganz besonders grässlich: die Ninja Walker. Dabei beweisen sie mit den Charaktermodellen und einigen der Tyra Monster das sie es ja eigentlich drauf haben.
    Würde mich freuen wenn die ihren Output halbieren und dafür die Qualität aller veröffentlichen Dateien auf ein Mindestmaß heben das nicht nach Beilage in der Junior Tüte aussieht.
    By the way, erinnern die Eternal Dynasty Aliens sonst noch jemand an ein beliebtes Krustentier aus Futurama?

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