von BK-Rafael | 27.07.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Patreon

OnePageRules: Assault on Malhadra Frontier & Vorschau

Die Frontier Kampagne von OnePageRules zu Assault on Malhadra läuft. Darüber hinaus gibts noch ein paar Previews für den kommenden Patreon-Monat.

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Assault on Malhadra is Available Now!

Will you be able to navigate Malhadra’s many dangers in order to claim its ancient technology? Assault on Malhadra updates our All-Out Assault Mission Pack for Grimdark Future: Firefight, with an immersive narrative, showcasing 4 new heroes and a full storyline to play your battles in.

The Frontiers Campaign will Features:

Opr GFFMP AoAA 005 Origins 1

Free Upgrade if You Already Own All-Out Assault!

If you already own the All-Out Assault Mission Pack on DriveThruRPG, it has already been updated for free with all this new content! All you need to do is log into your DriveThruRPG library and redownload the PDF! This does not include any 3D printable models, however.


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Play Assault on Malhadra Today!

Everything for Assault on Malhadra is ready to play right now! No waiting for the campaign to finish, the book and all the models can be downloaded immediately upon purchase and all the Heros and Armies are ready to play in Army Forge, our free list building web app.


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First 72 Hours Early Bird and Patreon Discounts

If you join first 72 Hours, you can get one of the Early Bird tiers that are priced at a 10% discount, and our Tier-2 Patreon Subscribers can get a special Early Bird Discount Code for an additional 10% off on top of that! This is the opportunity to get hundreds of Miniature STLs across four armies at an incredible price.

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team


Hier noch Previews aus der July News #4:

Opr01 Opr05 Opr02 Opr03 Opr04


Und weils so cool ist, ein Teaser aus dem letzten Livestream für die bald kommende neue Fraktion:

Opr Woodelves01 Opr Woodelves02

Quelle: OnePageRules, Assault on Malhadra auf MMF


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: SW Shatterpoint, SW Legion, SW Imperial Assault, Warhammer Underworlds, Aristeia, OPR und Bloodfields.

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