von BK-Rafael | 21.09.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Patreon

OnePageRules: Age of Fantasy World Book – Radiance Helden

OnePageRules veröffentlichen das Age of Fantasy World Book und zeigen eine Vorschau der Charaktere für Edge of the Radiance.

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Age of Fantasy World Book Available Now!

As the old order which once brought peace to Tyria collapsed in the destruction brought by the Rift, war soon followed in its wake. Foes once thought defeated have begun to stir once more, while old grudges bubble to the surface. Those still loyal to the Empire face many enemies, new and old.‍

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The Age of Fantasy World Book is now available in PDF on DriveThruRPG!

This year has seen the story and lore behind the Age of Fantasy setting debut on a much larger scale. This started with our second narrative campaign, Secrets of Tixal, and now includes monthly short stories and a nearly complete Age of Fantasy Quest Campaign! As with our earlier release of the Grimdark Future World Book, this is our first opportunity to introduce the word itself beyond the fleeting glimpses offered by narrative campaigns, short army book introductions, illustrations and design cues on models.

The World Book is our opportunity to introduce the world itself to our players, laying the groundwork for more exciting lore and allowing you to figure out a little more about where your army fits into this vast world!

So what is the Age of Fantasy World Book?

The Age of Fantasy World Book is a 64-page book which will give readers a broad overview of the setting, from its history and societies to the Planes beyond. This will connect the lore shown so far in the narrative campaigns and short stories, and ground the setting for future fiction and world building in the setting.


  • The history of Tyria, from its prehistoric past up through the Havoc Wars and the creation of the Rift into present day.
  • Information on societies in the setting, touching on everything from transportation to technology.
  • The role of the Planes in the setting, introducing an infinite array of worlds, centered around the Nexus Plane.
  • Beautiful artwork on almost every page, including some factions never before depicted by OPR
  • New short stories and flash fiction throughout the book, depicting life on and off the battlefield in Tyria.

Free Preview Available!

We’ve made the first 14 pages of the Age of Fantasy World Book available for free! Check it out at the link below and get a taste for the world of Tyria.

Free Preview

Buy Now

More Lore on the Website

Don’t forget that we have even more lore content available on our website! First the Age of Fantasy lore section can give you an overview of each of the factions in our game, and our short stories section gives you a taste of the life, conflicts, and struggles in Tyria.

More About the World Book

‍Despite the scars that the Rift has left, there are many who believe that they live in an age of opportunity. With the lands still divided and facing new threats, the fate of Tyria lies uncertain and inviting to be swayed by daring individuals as never before.

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The Age of Fantasy World Book will dive into the history of Tyria, focusing on its peoples and conflicts, lending some additional context to who the factions represent and how they interact. It will touch on both the Havoc Wars and the Great Rift; both of which have shaped much of Tyria’s politics, culture, and warfare. The Great Rift led to the emergence of several factions which were once only small parts of larger empires, including the Duchies of Vinci, Dark Elves and Volcanic Dwarves.

This will help players to understand the context and shape of present day Tyria, its conflicts, factions and key locations. Understanding these will help players set up their own narratives and campaigns, tying into ongoing rivalries within the story or creating their own diverging path with desperate alliances between old rivals or sudden and vicious betrayals.

Of course, the presence of Voidgates ensures that no one is completely hemmed in by their neighbors. Adventurers and armies alike are able to reach into the farthest corners of Tyria and beyond with a single step…

For some, this may mean the distant homeland of the Saurians, or another Plane entirely. Planes are realms of almost infinite possibility, though we’ve catalogued a few types in this book. At the core of this myriad of Planes lies the Nexus with its mysterious Wylds.

The World Book will also include a world map, several illustrations, and short stories. We hope that these visuals will help bring the setting to life, and establish the beauty and strangeness which lies in store for those who wish to explore Tyria. There are also sections dedicated to exploring the societies of the setting and how they have been shaped by the magic, creatures, and challenges of this fascinating continent.

Many bold adventurers in Tyria delve into ancient ruins, trekking into the lands’ furthest reaches or even sailing the oceans to the continents beyond. Yet there are those who venture out to even more distant horizons, stepping through Voidgates to find strange stars in unfamiliar lands.

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With this book, we’re hoping to lay out the basic framework of the continent of Tyria and the universe beyond it. There’s plenty of room for creativity within this setting, and over the years we’ve seen many players put forward their own visions of what this setting could be with writing jams, battle reports, and in many other formats. As with our Grimdark Future World Book, we hope that this release will help inspire readers with context and story hooks to find a home for their armies and stories in the AoF universe.

Of course, the vast number of Planes may connect any number of different settings and worlds, giving space for almost any fantasy narrative or backstory. Even some of the canonical factions within Age of Fantasy trace their origins to these strange lands.

We hope this book will inspire you to join us in the Age of Fantasy; whether to see the setting that has inspired this game or taking inspiration to build your own stories.

How will you forge your path in this age of fantasy?

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team



Edge of the Radiance Preview: Meet

Edge of the Radiance is an all new narrative campaign for Grimdark Future by One Page Rules launching this fall on MyMiniFactory’s Frontiers. Two armies clash on a distant world with forces lead by four new Heroes and a full epic story to play through. This week we’re going to be taking a closer look at two of those heroes: Sergeant Wou for the Eternal Dynasty and Druzhak for the Alien Hives.

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Sergeant Wou, Eternal Dynasty Ninja Operative‍

As indicated by her full name, young Sergeant Hwan Wou Nyepeng hails from the ruling Royal Clan, the Hwan. She has excelled in her training and was assigned leadership of a Ninja unit. She has not been on Loung We for very long and is starting to realize that this posting might not be the ideal stepping stone for her military career.

She is an excellent fighter with a taste for acrobatic, flashy moves and perfect mastery of her Hwan Spear. As a Ninja and member of the Royal Clan, she is also tasked with gathering intelligence and reporting it to the Royal Clan, whether it relates to outside factions or potential threats from within.

Despite her reservations about Captain Lyao, who she views as lacking discipline and loyalty, she is eager to prove herself. When the Alien Hives landed on Loung We, she was the first to meet them in battle.

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Prime Warrior Druzhak‍

As a Prime Warrior, Druzhak was destined from birth to focus on war, leaving existential questions to the Hive Lord who led his people. However, the Hive sustained terrible losses during its migration through hotly contested territories, and Druzhak found himself leading the survivors.

He is a fearless combatant who takes his duty towards his people extremely seriously. He has seen many battles and has the scars to prove it, but all the death and pain he has witnessed weighs heavily on his soul.

When his most trusted advisor told Druzhak that their Hive’s last chance at rebirth was buried in the canyons of Loung We, the Prime Warrior did not hesitate long. His sword Fierceclaw raised high, he marched into battle for the future of his people.

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About Edge of the Radiance

Situated near the nefarious cosmic anomaly called the Radiance, the remote Eternal Dynasty colony of Loung We is probably one of the worst assignments one can get. Captain Lyao has resigned himself to this exile and spends his time overseeing mushroom production and trying to maintain his facilities. Even some of his own soldiers have little faith in him, including Sergeant Wou, an eager Ninja fresh off training.

This life of austere boredom is about to be brutally interrupted. From the cold void of space emerges an Alien Hive ship. Led by Prime Warrior Druzhak and his advisor Vradhez, the Hivers are reeling from a series of disastrous battles. But Vradhez is convinced that here, on Loung-We, lies the key to their people’s survival.

Lyao must rally his motley subordinates to mount a defense, earning their respect in the process, while Druzhak seeks to ensure the survival of his people. Not all is as it seems, however, at the Edge of the Radiance…

The Frontiers Campaign Features:

  • An All-New Narrative Campaign for Grimdark Future
  • Four New Hero Models
  • Two Full Sci-Fi Armies featuring Hundreds of Models
  • Exclusive Paint Sets from Two Thin Coats
  • High Quality Brush Sets from Chronicle
  • And More!

Coming October 10th – Sign Up To Get Notified Now and Get:

  • Two Free Minis Today
  • A 5% Discount Code on the Main Tiers at Launch!

Sign up and get notified!

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team


Quelle: OnePageRules, World Book


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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