von BK-Pascal | 14.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding, Fantasy

OnePageRules: Fraktionsbuch Ankündigung

OnePageRules kündigen ein Fraktionsbuch für die Duchies of Vinci an.


We’re excited to announce that in December we will be releasing our very first Faction Book for the Duchies of Vinci! This 64 page lore book will detail the lore, history, and life of the Duchies of Vinci and will also include four all new narrative hero models to add to your Duchies of Vinci armies! Launching first on MyMiniFactory’s Frontiers, you’ll have the opportunity to pick up the new book, new heroes, and even the entire Duchies of Vinci 3D printable army at an incredible launch discount.


About the Duchies of Vinci Faction Book

In a peninsula, shielded from the outside world by towering mountains and tumultuous seas, lies a land of which tales are told all over Tyria. A land where Inventors build soldiers of metal, mechanical tanks and repeater crossbows, where flamboyantly dressed nobles lead armies unlike any others, where breathtaking palaces are filled with unprecedented works of art and convoluted intrigue: the Duchies of Vinci.

This is the first of our Faction Books, expansive supplements that cover the lore and history of a specific faction. Teeming with gorgeous art and covering every aspect of the society of the Duchies of Vinci, this is a must-have for clockwork machinery enjoyers, Automa collectors and anyone who ever considered using a mirrored handwriting to prevent rival Inventors from plagiarizing their creations.

Despite its wealth of content, this book is sure to leave you wanting for more; the society it describes is not a unified one, but a multifaceted alliance of Duchies and Free Cities, designed to inspire you to pick a theme for your army or even come up with your own.

Rifling through the pages of lore, you will learn about the most important Duchies and find a trove of banners to rally under, from the ever-arrogant Duchy of Dissimo to the fiercely independent Free City of Libberro, whose bands of Harlequins may seem like a joke until a explosive juggling club lands on your skull. You will be able to pick from twenty official colour schemes, or decide to make up your own; after all, there are many Duchies in Vinci.


This breadth goes beyond simple aesthetics, since a chapter on subfactions will offer you several thematic lists for a playstyle that reflects the lore of your Duchy. Will you opt for the classic Ducal Company, field a full Lance of old-fashioned knights on mechanical boars, run squads of stealthy Assassins or give in to the clockwork efficiency of an entire army of Automa?

The thought we put into our factions goes much deeper than the surface level, as you will discover reading the centuries-spanning history of this one small part of the Age of Fantasy universe. Learn how the long-forgotten tribes that ventured into hostile swamps ages ago became the silk-wearing aristocrats of today, overcoming Daemonic invasions, Imperial subjugation and the earth itself splitting open!

To service the most devout enjoyers of Renaissance-styled shenanigans, we went as far as expanding on the language spoken by these fearsome pasta eaters. What better way to get into character than calling your opponent a Cog-licker, or correcting a dice total by swearing you’ll use your opponent’s missing limbs to teach them how to count? We remind you to only use such language with your most trusted friends, lest they seek the help of an Assassin from Aquarossa to avenge their wounded pride.

The Duchies of Vinci Faction Book is also entirely lore focused, with the army rules and stats, including the new Narrative Heroes, available for free on Army Forge. This makes the book equally useful for all of our Age of Fantasy games, or any game you choose to play in the Age of Fantasy setting! This also means that the book will not become out of date just because we’ve updated the game rules in the future.


Launching on MyMiniFactory’s Frontiers

The Frontiers Campaign Features:

  • All-New 64 Page Faction Book for the Duchies of Vinci
  • Four New Hero Models
  • A Full Fantasy Army Featuring Over 120 Models!
  • And More!

Coming December 5th – Sign Up Now and Get:

  • Two Free Minis Today
  • A 5% Discount Code on the Main Tiers at Launch!

In the coming weeks we will reveal more about this fantastical book, but for now we encourage you to check out the campaign, and as they say in Vinci: Biona Riocca! 

Happy Wargaming!

– OPR Team

Quelle: One Page Rules


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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