von BK-Jonah | 18.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Old School Miniatures: Hybrid-Kultisten auf Kickstarter

Old School Miniatures präsentieren auf Kickstarter Alternativ-Modelle für Genestealer Cults-Armeen.

OSM Presents – The Hybrid Cult of Manifesters

Another set of minis from your favourite little miniature company

Old School Miniatures The Hybrid Cult Of Manifesters Kickstarter

Old School Miniatures The Hybrid Cult Of Manifesters Kickstarter 2

Do you want and Old School, sinister cult bent on overthrowing civilisation at the behest of their sinister alien masters?

So do we! Which is why we have launched our latest (and most sinister) Kickstarter yet, The Hybrid Cult! By interbreeding with aliens, the cult has unlocked their latent psychic abilities. Allowing them to collectively manifest themselves as the new rulers of the planet, sweeping away the old order of corrupt nobles in order to bring about a golden age, their Hour of redemption.

Or, if that doesn’t work, they’ve got a bunch of guns and are keen to blow stuff up. Whatever.

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Who are we? We’re Old School Miniatures. Founded by eccentric billionaire playboy Jamie Loft, Old School Miniatures is dedicated to one thing, producing the very best quality Old School style wargaming miniatures, for Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Our models could have fallen down the back of a sculptor’s desk in 1987, only to emerge now, covered in fluff and ready to conquer the galaxy.

We only work with the very best sculptors who share our vision, and we want to share these minis with YOU!

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The Miniatures

The Hybrid Cult are spread across the galaxy. They are known by many names, Illuminated Order of Tomorrow, The Shining Ones, or simply “Manifesters”.

Some cells are made up of the scum of society, desperate men and women clinging for any hope of a better future. Others are bored and jaded nobles, looking for anything which will provide a diversion in their pampered lives.

What they all have in common though, is the cruellest thing of all, hope.

All denominations of the Hybrid Cult teach that by accepting DNA from The Star Children. be they shown as benevolent forces, angels, or something else, humanity can better itself and get rid of the corruption that limits our species’ potential.

However, the truth is much more sinister, as alien masters seek to manipulate the future of humanity.

The Brethren

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The backbone of any Hybrid cell are the Brethren, the numberless men and women from all walks of life willing to lay down their lives for a better tomorrow. Clad in industrial space suits and wielding solid, mass-produced rifles and laser guns, what Brethren lack in quality, they make up far more in fanatical zeal.

Brethren have a solid, chunky feel about them. Sculpted to look like they are fresh from a shift on the factory floor. But make no mistake, they have clearly had their dose of alien DNA.

These are the mainstay of your cult, and act as dependable cannon fodder to protect your Magus, go in and grab objectives, or just mow down the enemy under a barrage of laser fire. Remember, don’t feel guilty if a few of them die. After all, they will be rewarded in the next life with bounty unimaginable.

The largest and strongest members of a cell are given the honour of carrying the biggest and best weapons. The fact that this also helps to draw enemy fire away from the officers and cult leaders is purely coincidental.

Heavies provide a Hybrid Cult with some much-needed firepower. Utilising repurposed mining equipment to blow a hole through enemy armour. Either with a rock blaster or under a hail of red-hot rivets.

These are big, dangerous looking minis that stand apart. Although they share the Brethren’s industrial look, the big guns and bulging muscles set the Heavies apart.

The Abominations

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Sometimes the splicing of human and alien DNA doesn’t go exactly to plan, resulting in Abominations. These unfortunate beings are devoid of any higher brain functions or personality, other than a burning desire to please the Magus of the cult, and obey their every whim. Their hulking bodies twisted into hideous shaped mercifully masked by robes and shadow.

Often used as bodyguards, Abominations will not hesitate to die for their Magus, or to tear apart limb from limb any threat, real or imagined.

What the heavies are at range, Abominations are in close combat. They are sculpted with big, heavy-hitting melee weapons. Use them in conjunction with Brethren to smash apart enemy commanders or seize objectives.

The Commissars

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Not all members of the Hybrid cult are faceless industrial drones, some hail from the upper ranks of the planet’s armed forces. The leaders of a cult will often infiltrate the command structure of a planet’s defence forces, finding ambitious and persuadable officers who can be swayed to the cause. Blackmail is sometimes used, but more often than not the simple promise of power is enough to turn a previous loyal man into a undercover member of the Cult.

The Commissars are the sculpted wearing classy greatcoats and snazzy boots- befitting men of rank and status. They also have a cool looking chainsword and a big gun, perfect for keeping up morale with summary executions.

These chaps make perfect mid-ranking commanders for your force, issuing orders to Brethren and ensuring that the Magus’s plans go smoothly.

The Magus

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At the head of every Cult, is a Magus. They take other titles of course, Great Mother, Supreme Patriarch, The Enlightened One. But they are all the same. The scheming, and ambitious psychics who lead a Hybrid Cult to victory.

A Magus is a visionary, able to drive their fellow Hybrid Cult members into a frenzy of devotion. Their awesome psychic powers are second only to their ability to influence and control others with Machiavellian ease.

This is a cracking model! A quintessential psychic, fingers held to forehead to blast the foe asunder with MIND BULLETS! And with plenty of ritual gubbins and details, he makes the perfect leader for your Hybrid Cult.

The Commander

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Although the Magus are the spiritual leaders of the Hybrid Cult, the Commanders are the temporal might. These master strategists have made their minds expanded by alien DNA, making them unrivalled tacticians and the perfect Cult leaders.

The genetic improvement also lends itself to increased reaction times, ensuring that any foe that gets within range will be swiftly dispatched. Many a would-be assassin who thought to end a Hybrid Cult rebellion has found a commander to be terrifying foe.

The Commander model is stunning. An antique laser pistol, paired with an electro-sabre makes him a solid fighter in close or short range combat. Posed dramatically, no doubt delivering a stirring speech before leading the Brethren over the top to victory.

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The Other Stuff

All minis supplied unpainted and without bases. These are not toys, at least that’s what we tell our partners, and are not intended for children. Due care and attention should be used when assembling and paitning these models, particularly with any sharp tool.

These are all metal minis and the metal is recyclable.

The Artists

The Miniatures were all sculpted by Adam Frank, who also sculpted our line of Space Orcs, most of our Space Dwaves and a few other from our Sci-Fi range.

The illustrations were done by long time OSM collaborator, Mustafa Bekir.

The miniatures were painted by Mat Lindsay of Indelible Inc Studio.

Quelle: Old School Miniatures auf Kickstarter


Seit 2023 im Hobby und damit das Nesthäkchen beim Brückenkopf. Erste Tabletop-Liebe: Warhammer Fantasy durch Total War, was über Umwege zu AoS geführt hat. Danach und bis heute verliebt in Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings. Aktuelle Projekte: Flesh-eater Courts und Conquest Sorcerer Kings mit Aussicht auf Tomb Kings in The Old World und irgendwann auch mal Warhammer 40k – wenn es die Zeit denn zulässt.

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  • Leider sehen die garnicht mal so schick aus. Da bleib ich lieber weiter bei den Original Genestealer-Hybriden aus den 80er Jahren.

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