Necromunda: Ty Onmyodo Coven Preview
Das mysteriöse Haus Ty schickt seine nicht weniger geheimnisvollen Ty Onmyodo Coven in die Tiefen der Makropolen von Necromunda, eine mächtige psionische Telepathin und die anti-psionische Null bilden eine tödliche Kombination.
The mysterious Ty Onmyodo Coven is here to stalk the underhive
The great and mysterious House Ty on Necromunda claims its ancestry from the Nihon Empire and Dragon Isle of Ancient Terra.
But while the house maintains the stylings of Ancient Terra, they’re altogether more psychic than their distant ancestors, with many even joining Lord Helmawr’s personal stable of psykers and astropaths. As you’d expect, they have a longstanding alliance with House Delaque, though they’ll work with anyone for the appropriate incentives.
When the alliance is made, and their own oblique conditions met, House Ty will dispatch an Onmyodo Coven into the Underhive.
Always in twos, and always a pairing of psyker and null, one member is a powerful telepath, the other a blank to keep that power in check. Both wear collars to open or dampen their respective abilities, controlled as they are from many miles above via a psychic link from the uphive. No-one who deals with the Onmyodo Coven knows exactly which noble lord might be gazing back at them through the glassy eyes of their vessels…
The Telepath is a powerful Sanctioned Psyker who may choose two powers from the Telepathy discipline when she’s added to the gang. She also has the Overseer ability. The Null, on the other hand, simply prevents any psychic activity within 6” – and is armed with a boltgun and a power sword.
The Ty Onmyodo Coven will be available in Forge World resin.
Quelle: Warhammer Community.
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