von bkredaktion | 16.10.2024 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Necromunda: Squat Scout Trike Preview

Mit dem Squat Scout Trike bekommen die Ironhead Squat Prospectors schnelle Spähfahrzeuge um in den Aschewüsten Necromundas auf die Jagd nach Schätzen der Vergangenheit zu gehen.

Embrace three-wheeled freedom on the new Squat Scout Trike

The Ironhead Squat Prospectors are some of the roughest, toughest fighters on Necromunda but while they’re known for their grit and gear, they’ve never quite garnered a reputation for speed. Heavy kit and naturally chunky legs sabotage their sprinting dreams, but as with all things in the Necromundan Mining Clans, technology finds a way.

As it turns out, the way has three wheels.

Games Workshop Embrace Three Wheeled Freedom On The New Squat Scout Trike 1

The Svenotar Scout Trike is the vehicle of choice when Ironheads range out into the wastes from their laagers – giant nomadic camps formed from temporarily stationary land trains. Their speed and rugged reliability allows small teams of Squats to criss-cross the ash wastes much faster than theirSkalvian Explorators, rooting out promising ore veins and chasing down rumours of lost archaeotech.

Each trike is also equipped to deal with the ever-present dangers of the ash wastes. A twin-linked hardpoint up front can be equipped with your choice of Ironhead autogun, Ironhead boltgun, or meltagun* while the vehicle itself can take all kinds of upgrades over the course of a campaign – from crash cages and ablative armour to booby-trapped fuel tanks and archaeotech reactors.

Games Workshop Embrace Three Wheeled Freedom On The New Squat Scout Trike 2

One of the more unique upgrades the Svenotar can handle is a control unit for a Techmite Oculi, a floating drone that follows its host trike and scouts for targets. These advanced machines can travel much further from their controllers than similar automatons and are usually employed to hunt down entrenched enemies before transmitting accurate targeting data back to their owners.

Games Workshop Embrace Three Wheeled Freedom On The New Squat Scout Trike 3

This new multi-part plastic kit contains two Svenotar Scout Trikes and two Techmites, with arm and head options to distinguish your riders. They’re a great way to add some fast firepower to your otherwise ponderous Ironhead Squat Prospector gangs, and work wonderfully alongside the super-heavy Exo-kyn we showed last week.

That’s still not all there is to come for the Squats of Necromunda, so join us again next week where we’ll have something of the literary persuasion and something else all of your prospectors can enjoy.

* All three options are contained in the kit.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


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