von bkredaktion | 06.11.2024 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

Necromunda: Silberlant Sevos Preview

Der ehemalige Van Saar Ganger, Silberlant Servos, mag zwar körperlich gebrochen sein, doch durch eine Verbindung mit dem STK sind seine Fähigkeiten in der Informationsbeschaffung legendär.

No secrets are safe from Silberlant Sevos – the greatest Whisper Merchant of all

The agents of House Delaque would have you believe that they are Necromunda’s premier information brokers, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the bowels of the great hives, freelance whisper merchants ply their trade in secrets and rumours, and none command as much fear and respect as the one known simply as the Infotek – a former House Van Saar ganger named Silberlant Sevos.

While his ruined body is confined to a suspensor chair, Sevos’ mind is as deadly as any weapon carried by the gangs of the underhive. In his former life, he sought to merge his own mind with the sacred STC at the heart of House Van Saar, crafting an advanced synaptic link designed to unshackle his consciousness and leave the mortal world behind.

Games Workshop No Secrets Are Safe From Silberlant Sevos – The Greatest Whisper Merchant Of All 1

His attempts ended in failure when the STC itself rejected his communion, shattering his body and mind in a massive synaptic backlash that left Sevos critically injured and bereft of his senses. His former comrades unceremoniously dumped his body in an underhive refuse pit for daring to break their sacred Three Laws, but while he lay there dying, Sevos realised that his experiment hadn’t totally failed – he could see and feel the electronic soul of the hive around him, and even manipulate a clade of nearby maintenance servitors.

Over time, he took control of more systems and servitors around him, using plundered tech to build his suspensor chair and establish a safe haven deep within the underhive. He soon realised that he could also dive into the electronic highways that carry information around the hive and rip secrets from within the data stream, beginning a fruitful career as a whisper merchant that brought him fame and fortune.

His mastery at information gathering even extends to gang skirmishes, granting his benefactors the ability to reveal their opponent’s gang tactics with a simple roll on his excellent Intelligence characteristic.

Games Workshop No Secrets Are Safe From Silberlant Sevos – The Greatest Whisper Merchant Of All 2

Silberlant Sevos isn’t a natural fighter, however, and will need to be protected from harm while he digs through the enemy’s secrets. Such services are uniquely valuable and he’s well worth the credits – credits that fund his ultimate goal of returning triumphant to the House Van Saar stronghold and resuming his attempts to merge with the sacred STC.

We’ll have more information on when this new resin miniature will be released shortly.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Sehr cooler Mini 😁👍
    Gefällt mir…
    GW tobt sich teilweise so richtig bei Necromuda aus 😁👍

    Zwar finde ich die Geschichte ein wenig komisch ( Nachrichten Verkäufer).
    Aber hey es kann und muss ja nicht jeder ballern.

    • Der Handel mit Informationen ist schon lange fester Bestandteil des Hintergrunds von Necromunda. In den Romanen und Comics um Kal Jerico ist beispielsweise Nemo, der Herr der Spione, ein häufiger Widersacher oder Helfer des namengebenden Kopfgeldjägers.

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