Multiverse: Neue Preview
Von Multiverse gibt es eine neue Preview auf Facebook.
TEASERIs your miniature army drenched in gore, crawling with creepiness, and overflowing with body horror? Are you planning an RPG campaign that will take your players‘ characters to the edge of their sanity? Have you ever gazed at one of Beksinski’s paintings and thought, „I need something like this on my tabletop“?This October, we’re unveiling a new terrain range that might suit your needs.Gothic portals sculpted from flesh and bone, molded like clay; cloisters woven from sinew and cobwebs; saintly figures cocooned under the cathedral ceiling, vanishing into the darkness as the flesh-torn columns creep higher each day… Do you have a ruleset or a scenario you’d like to play out on terrain like these? We’d love to hear your ideas!
Quelle: Multiverse auf Facebook
Ha, das passt ja so gar nicht auf Trench Crusade ^^. Das schaue ich mir genauer an!