von BK-Bob | 20.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Morozivka, City of the Frost: 3D-Druck Kickstarter

Wer Lust auf Holzhäuser im osteurpäischen Stil hat könnte bei diesem Kickstarter fündig werden.

Morozivka, City of the Frost

3D-printable scenery inspired by the ornate wooden architecture of Eastern Europe

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Morozivka City Of The Frost 2

мороз (moroz): from Proto-Slavic *morzъ.: frost

Morozivka is a new 3D-printable terrain range inspired by traditional Eastern European architecture and designed for tabletop RPGs and wargames in 28-35mm scales.

Based on countless drawings, photos and historical references, these structures are some of the most elaborate ones we’ve ever designed, working perfectly both for historical settings and for fantasy ones, evoking a world steeped in Slavic folklore.

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Drawing on 8+ years of experience in the model design and on feedback from hundreds of backers of our previous campaigns, we did our best to ensure that these models are easy to print, a ton of fun to paint and a breeze to put together!

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And if you’re planning on using Morozivka as an unique setting for your RPG sessions – playable interiors and opening doors will surely come in handy 🙂

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о́зеро (ozero): Proto-Balto-Slavic *éźera.: lake, body of water

Ozerna, the Lake-Town is a small expansion set allowing you to use your Morozivka buildings (or any other structures from your collection) to build a sprawling merchant town based on stilts and connected with a maze of piers and bridges.

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We all know these water-based settlements from various fantasy settings and if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably pondered building a table like this yourself… well, now comes a perfect opportunity to do that!

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Cossack and Streltsy miniatures shown for scale reference. Sculpts by Highlands Miniatures.

Miniatures printed by 3D Monkey 3D Printing Studio.

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Morozivka, City of the Frost includes nine sets: five buildings (Andriy’s HouseSergiy’s HouseOlena’s HouseTanya’s HousePriest’s House), one modular scenery set (Gate & Fence), and three sets of accessories (Roadside ShrinesWater Well and Firewood Stacks):

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Ozerna, the Lake-Town expansion includes three sets of accessories:

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The Modular Piers set includes 23 modules:

  • 5 sets of Top Planks
  • 2 sets of Stairs (Style A, Style B)
  • Bridge Railings (2″ Style A, 3″ Style A, 2″ Style B, 3″ Style B)
  • 12 sets of Pier Supports (2″, 3″, 4″ in length; each lenght comes in two style variants and a ‚flat top‘ version allowing you to place the buildings directly on top of the pier)

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The piers include a modified mini-OpenLOCK clip that connects to the pier supports, the railings and the stairs. Overlapping supports allow for multiple top planks to be held firmly together.

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The Pierside Goods  includes 13 scatter terrain pieces:

  • Goods (2 crates, 2 barrels, 1 rope, 1 fish trap, 2 loads of fishes)
  • 5 premade Stacks using these models in various combinations

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All the models featured in this Kickstarter have been designed for supportless FDM printing on a 200x200mm build plate (or larger). They can also be printed in resinbut it will require some additional work (e.g. cutting larger parts in the slicer to fit your build plate and adding supports).

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All the parts have come pre-rotated to minimize overhangs. Note how the ornate trims are printed flat on the bed

All the models campaign have undergone rigorous test printing, and the part files you will receive are pre-rotated to minimize overhangs.

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All the buildings feature removable roofs and fully playable, sculpted interiors.

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All the buildings feature opening doors and narrow slits on top of the windows, so you can easily insert piece of acetate to imitate glass.
All the models will come with a PDF containing a list of files for a particular model and detailed assembly instructions.

While these pieces are based on existing structures and will fit nicely into games set in the historical setting, we’ve decided to label them as fantasy for two reasons.

Firstly, we’ve taken some liberties with the designs, focusing on playability and ease of print rather than historical accuracy. For example, the decorative patterns you see here are often a mash-up of designs from across several real-life buildings. Secondly, the same goes for the building shapes and footprints: we’ve included some structures documented only via drawings and/or concepts because their shapes make for a much more interesting gameplay than the rectangular ones that you’ll find in most of the real-life examples.

Stretch Goals:

Once we reach our initial funding goal, additional items will be added to your pledge once the listed funding levels are met.

Please note: the Stretch Goals are all in the concept/early WIP stage, some of the campaign updates will give you a closer look on the design process of these. Depending on the number and type of unlocked SGs, some of them may be released a bit later than the core models – please see the ‚Fulfillment‘ section for details.

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The city founder’s statue looks quietly upon the passers-by in the Morozivka market square

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If approaching enemies are spotted, the ringing of the bell will warn the people of Morozivka

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A sip of cold water running here from a nearby underground spring is surely welcome after a long travel.

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Welcome! Rest your weary bones by the hearth.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 28 Tage.

Quelle: Morozivka, City of the Frost


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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