von BK-Rafael | 26.05.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Postapokalypse

Modiphius: Fallout und Elder Scrolls

Modiphius berichten über Fallout Wasteland Warfare und zeigen eine Neuerscheinung zu The Elder Scrolls.

Fallout 1(2)

Fallout Friday May 24th

Fallout Friday is back once again my fellow Wastelanders and Vaulties! We have had two new releases for you this month with the FREE Fallout: Wasteland Warfare- Vault-Tec Simulator PDF and the Fallout: The Roleplaying Game- Map Pack2: Wasteland Locales. Let’s jump right into it so you can get back to painting those Hollywood Heroes minis and planning your next gaming session.

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare- Vault-Tec Simulator

Fallout 2(2)

Our Fallout: Wasteland Warfare team has been hard at work cooking up Vault-Tec Simulator, aka VTS. We have heard valuable feedback from our community on ease of play, especially with the flood of new people discovering the game. These rules in no way replace the rules we have now for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare but offer those who would like a quicker and more simplified gaming experience the rules and tools to enjoy the game with less prep time and precepts. Ben goes into more detail discussing the changes and what you can expect from the FREE downloadable rules for VTS in his latest blog here.

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game- Map Pack 2: Wasteland Locales

Fallout 3(2)

Everyone loves a good battlemap and our last map pack was so popular we wanted to give you even more! This new map pack of 8 highly detailed, poster-sized battlemaps provide you with locations for Drumlin Diner, Abandoned Shop Fronts, Railway Station, Military Checkpoint, Roadside Farms, Warehouse, Garage, and even an iconic Red Rocket service station. These maps are perfect to use for not only your Fallout: The Roleplaying Game sessions but also for your Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and Fallout: Factions games too!

Fallout: The RPG Winter of Atom Actual Play

Fallout 4(2)

We have just wrapped up episode 24 of our Winter of Atom actual play on Twitch where the crew has made their way into the sewers below Boston to help clear a safer trade route for the surrounding settlements while they wait out this devastating nuclear winter. You can catch up on all past episodes of not only this show but others like Dune: Desertfall, Star Trek Adventures: Shackleton Expanse, and Dreams and Machines- Welcome to Evera Prime on our Modiphius Live YouTube channel!

Also, for those playing with the Fallout: Factions – Quickstart and ‚Get you by lists‘ we have complied a list of all of the Weapon Traits, Critical Effects and Perks shown off in those spaces – which you can now find on the Fallout: Factions download page, linked here.

We have some really RAD things lined up for you next month so watch our socials, sign up for our newsletters, and join our Discord so you can be the first to hear about them!

That’s all for now, Wastelanders. Until next time!



Vault-Tec Simulator

Hey there Wastelanders! Ben here to chat with you about the brand new book available for free on the webstore, Vault-Tec Simulator!

Last week, the eagle-eyed amongst you noticed that we dropped this PDF somewhat out of the blue and have been curiously quiet about what exactly it is, barring a couple of posts on Discord of course (which if you haven’t joined yet – click here – and be part of the discussion!) Well, wonder no longer!

We’ve been quietly ferreting away at Vault-Tec Simulator (or VTS) since we started work on the Nuka-World region book for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, where we first showed off the Vault-Tec Approved Profiles.We’ve been paying a lot of attention to FWW for the last few years, seeing what you’ve been excited about, and as is so often the case, our main focus became “Well how can we fix what people don’t find exciting?”, which starts with determining what that is!

So, with some research, chatting with fans, and plain old playtesting, we found a few issues.

A big barrier to entry.
A complex ruleset with a lot of icons to learn.
A lengthy set up time.
Over-reliance on cards.

With those identified, we set to work trying to fix them – but before work commenced, there was another question – “Who is this for?”. It’s a big question, it always is, and one that requires a lot of thought. Long term fans have already either overcome most of these issues, or don’t see them as an issue in the first place, but we see a lot of people bouncing off of the game after picking up the starter set, finding it an insurmountable hill of cards, stats, and rules…

And so Vault-Tec Simulator is for new players primarily, or for some of you who want a more streamlined game. So, work began, trimming the fat, cleaning up some of the more complex rules and simplifying the game to a point where it was still distinctly Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, but notably easier to pick up and play. Which became the core ethos of the design, “Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, but simpler”.

After numerous weeks of work (big thanks to Edwin Moriarty for leading the work) and a bunch of internal playtesting, we had what has come to be called Vault-Tec Simulator – and we looked over it and asked our questions again.

“How big is the barrier to entry now?” Minimal, the PDF and printable tokens will be free of charge, so anyone can try the game without needing significant investment.

“Is it still a complex ruleset with a lot of icons?” It’s a lot less complex now, and whilst there are still a lot of icons, there are less to actively learn and referencing is quick and easy.

“Is set up still lengthy” Much less so, with the use of Vault-Tec Approved Profiles the time to table has never been quicker, and less tokens means less gathering of pieces – list building is also a lot faster now!

“Is there still an over reliance on cards?” Absolutely not, VTA Profiles completely negate the need for 3-4 cards per unit now, which also makes set up quicker.

With those questions answered, we started the layout process, and now have the rather beautiful PDF you can get your hands on for free, right now! But, what does this mean for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare? Well, in a way, it doesn’t mean anything, in another way, it means a lot – confusing right?

Vault-Tec Simulator, was not, and will never be, a replacement for the core Fallout: Wasteland Warfare experience. Simply put, it’s an on-ramp, an easier way to come to grips with the core systems of the game before jumping into the full ruleset. If players like it though, and want to only interact with the VTS version of the rules, well that’s no trouble either, on-going product releases will be bringing more Vault-Tec Profiles to the game alongside new Unit cards. At the end of the day, how you choose to play the game is completely up to you – customisation has always been core of the Wasteland Warfare experience, so it’s only right that you can also chop and change parts of the two systems if you like.

Want to play traditional Wasteland Warfare using the VTS Heroic system? You go for it. You want to add poison and broken limbs into VTS? Why not! You want to make a settlement with a Behemoth as Mayor? Odd choice, but I don’t know their policies, so who am I to judge?

So, what would my recommendation be? Well, have a look over the book – see what makes you go “Ooh” and pop it into your own games, or if you’ve never played Fallout Wasteland Warfare before, have a look and give it a go! It can’t hurt right?

Either way, I think the generator in the ol’ Modiphius Vault has started leaking again, and the last thing we need is a bunch of Ghouls – so until next time, stay safe Wastelanders!


Elderscrolls 1(2) Elderscrolls 4 Elderscrolls 3(2) Elderscrolls 2(2)

The Elder Scrolls: Call To Arms – Dragonborn Triumphant

Price: €17,97

Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms – Tabletop wargaming in the world of Tamriel

This launch promo of the Dragonborn Triumphant is a 32mm scale multi-part high quality resin miniature complete with scenic base. The Dragonborn is packaged unassembled and unpainted. No game mechanics are included, however the Elder Scrolls Call to Arms Rules Box will include rules for using the Dragonborn in the game.


Quelle: Modiphius


Seit 2002 im Hobby mit Mage Knight, gefolgt von Confrontation, um dann bei Warmachine/Hordes hängen zu bleiben. Aktuelle Projekte: OPR, Halo Flashpoint, SW Shatterpoint, SW Imperial Assault, Infinity und Kill Team.

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  • den grund warum es vaut-tec-simulator genannt wird und nicht einfach profile für fallout factions veröffentlicht werden verstehe ich noch nicht ganz, aber in factions habe ich mich auch noch nicht eingelesen, evtl ist es ja noch etwas mehr von fallout wasteland warfare entfernt als ich schätze.

    • im vaut-tec-simulator bleiben es bei den gleichen würfeln wie bei WW und faction nutzt ein anderes würfel system, dann muss ich wohl doch noch die factions regeln lesen.

  • Sie hätten es auch:
    nennen können.

    Fun Fact am Rande: teilweise wussten die namentlich genannten Fans wohl auch nichts davon.

    Mit „einfaches“ meine ich jetzt, dass sie einiges besser erklärt haben und 2-3 Dinge hoffentlich in die normalen Regeln übernehmen. Oder die Regeln hierauf als neue Version rausbringen.
    Es macht auf jeden Fall Spaß & Lust auf mehr.

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