von bkredaktion | 26.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: Herr der Ringe

Mithril Miniatures: März Neuheiten

Die vier Hobbits kehren nach ihren Abenteuern in Mittelerde als ruhmreiche Helden zurück ins Auenland, in Form einer Vignette aus Resin von Mithril Miniatures.

Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 1 Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 2 Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 3 Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 4

Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 5 Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 6 Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 7 Mithril Miniatures The Lord Of The Rings 'The Hobbits Return To THE SHIRE™' Resin Vignette 8

The Lord of the Rings ‚The Hobbits Return to THE SHIRE‘ Resin vignette – 79,95 Euro (small Bases)/ 85,49 Euro (large Base)                    

This little vignette portrays the return of the four Hobbits to the Shire after their adventures in the war of the Ring. This is the moment, after Gandalf has departed, that they are about to re-enter the Shire.

In front is Pippin, still arrayed in the livery of Gondor, while Merry brings up the rear alongside Bill the pony. Merry wears the armour of the Rohirrim and both he and Pippin are noticeably taller than their companions, having imbibed the Ent-draught. Frodo, hooded, is in the centre of the group, his saddle bags containing the writings and histories that Bilbo has given him. Sam, next to his master, has Sting by his side, along with his pots and pans.

There are two variants (i.e.: A & B) of this release. Variant A has a large plate and the figures and ponies have no individual plates, and Variant B has no large plate and each of the figures and ponies have their own small plate. Choose which you want at checkout. There is a price difference between the two.

This was commissioned by Tom Wrich, a long time Fellowship member and Mithril Miniatures collector. He has an additional 10 of these split 3 for v.A and 7 for v.B. This means while 110 are produced, we only have 100 available for sale split 30/70 between v.A and v.B.

This is the eighteenth fully resin release, undercoated with matt grey primer. The v.A comes in six pieces, consisting of a large base, and four Hobbits on ponies and Bill the pony (no individual bases) They have an ‚f‘ marking on the large base. The v. B comes with 10 pieces, the four Hobbits on ponies, Bill the pony and the five small bases marked A to E. All bases have the manufacturer’s name ‚Mithril‘ on it, the MX code and the name of the sculptor and date of creation. Large base is measured at 127mm in length and 52mm in width.

Quelle: Mithril Miniatures


Der Brückenkopf existiert seit 2002 und bietet täglich News aus dem Tabletop Hobby.

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  • Hm, teuer. Und die Hobbits sehen mir hier sehr wie Kinder aus – möglicherweise hat man Babyköpfe als Grundlage genommen. Nicht meins, muss ich sagen.

  • Das übliche „Finde die Fehler!“-Spiel?
    Frodos Hände clippen. Das kann einem schon mal 85,49€ wert sein!

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