von BK-Bob | 19.03.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Mierce Miniatures: Vras Battle Host

Diesen Monat gibt es Ratten bei Mierce Miniatures.

MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 1 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 2 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 3 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 4 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 5 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 6 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 7 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 8 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 9 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 10 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 11 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 12 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 13 MM Vras (Three Claw) Battle Host 14

Vras (Three-Claw) Battle Host

I bring you this missive from snowy Scotland, fellow Miercenaries, for this humble scribe is on holiday for a short while to enjoy skis, snowboards and haggis (and not necessarily in that order). Needless to say, this is somewhat problematic for patreon updates, but I’m doing my best on a steam-powered laptop from the actual dark ages.

Monthly Battle Host

This month’s battle host for the MIERCENARY and SELL-SWORD tiers brings everyone’s favourite mole-rat-men to your printer’s door – the Vras! As well as the stuff that’s been in production for a while we’ve got two completely new units to tickle your fancy, a brilliant resculpt of the spear-vras and a totally new monster, the razh-horror known as Wrong-Tongue (for obvious reasons). Led by Grey-Fur the vras-chief, ably supported by Scab-Face the sorcerer and Pus-Belly the pack-master, the Vras battle host is a cracker!

The Vras (Three-Claw) Battle Host contains:

  • Shieldwall Grey-Fur, Vras-Chief on Foot (30mm base)
  • Greatblade Grey-Fur, Vras-Chief on Foot (30mm base)
  • Scab-Face, Blight-Vras on Foot (30mm base)
  • Pus-Belly, Razh-Master on Foot (30mm base)
  • No-Claw’s Burrow, Spear-Vras Unit (30mm bases)
  • Dead-Claw’s Nest, Dog-Razh Unit (40x25mm bases)
  • Fang-Throng, Razh-Swarm Unit (60mm bases)
  • Wrong-Tongue, Razh-Horror (150x80mm base)

Unfortunately the spear-vras and Wrong-Tongue are not yet ready for download, at least in supported form, so you’ll have to wait until next week for those I’m afraid.

Loyalty Reward

If you’ve been a member of the MIERCENARY or  SELL-SWORD tiers for the previous two months (i.e., you’ve been charged  three times consecutively, including the current month), you’ll get an extra miniature with your battle host!

March’s loyalty reward for patrons that have been with us in January, February and March is the rather nasty-looking champion vras, Black-Fang, on foot and on rend-terror, a giant rat that is also available to you as a naked monster.

You’ll get:

  • Black-Fang, Kill-Vras on foot (30mm base)
  • Black-Fang, Kill-Vras on foot and on Rend-Terror (110x60mm base)
  • Snap-Maw, Rend-Terror (110x60mm base)

If you are a new member, if you stay with us for the next two months you’ll get the previous two loyalty rewards too, in that third month. That way, new Miercenaries are not penalised!


We’ve decided to pop the download links in a separate (patrons only) post to ensure they’re not buried in a wall of text. You can find that post here:

This post is now live.

Supported and Unsupported Files

Our miniatures come in the form of test-printed, supported LYS project files as well as supported and unsupported STL files. Supported files are only offered at the 32mm scale used for our physical miniatures, and are optimised for resin printers, not FDM printers.

Supported by a Professional!

Note that our supports are NOT auto-supports built by a slicing program; they are manually applied to all of these files by our professional print prepper. We can never guarantee they’ll work for everyone, of course, but we’re confident they will!

Who are the Vras?

The ignoble beasts of den and lair and cave, those treacherous Vras of repugnance and loathesomeness, are still of use to those with a need for their particular abilities, or perhaps just for their geographic insidiousness: for under the feet of the unsuspecting humans above are leagues upon leagues of foul-smelling burrow and noisome, snaking tunnel. Of all the various bloodlines of the Vras, the rat-like Three-Claw are perhaps the most useful of them all, perhaps even the most warlike. From their deep delvings underneath Par-Ys and the north of Frankia and the south of Britain, aye, even under the water itself to Haig Vras, the Three-Claw can pour from cave and sewer and mine to flank their enemies or drag them to the maw of the Buck-Vras himself.

The lands of darkness

You can learn more about the Vras on the Mierce Miniatures webstore and in the Lands of Darkness kindred guide!

April sees the return of the Anglecynn, with lots and lots of horsemen…

Keep it Mierce, Miercenaries!

Quelle: Mierce Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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