von BK-Bob | 18.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Mierce Miniatures: Khthones Hydrar Battle Host

Diesen Monat gibt es Schlangen bei Mierce Miniatures.

MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 1 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 2 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 3 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 4 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 5 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 6 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 7 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 8 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 9 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 10 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 11 MM Khthones Hydrar Battle Host 12

Khthones (Ýdron) Hydrar Battle Host

Apologies for the delay this month, fellow Miercenaries: not only have I had teething problems with the new webstore to sort out, the small matter of the Darklands Sherwood GT was held last weekend (check out this link for a run down of what happened)! As you can understand, it’s been a bit hectic to say the least, and also because we had to resculpt Thoth and Hanokh pretty quickly when we realised the original files were lost many moons ago…

So! August’s battle host for the MIERCENARY and SELL-SWORD tiers comprises those lovely hydra-men, the hydrar of Ýdron!

Led by their anax (king, to you and me) Thoth, ably supported by the kentarch Hanokh and the hydrargós Lilekha, the hydrar are insane, three-headed snake-men from the island of Ýdron way out at the very edge of the Khthon archipelago; armed with two khineblades (the Spite of Ýdron) and flails (the Malice of Ýdron), these feral creatures pack a real punch with an enormous number of attacks and some pretty bad attitudes!

The Khthones (Ýdron) Hydrar Battle Host contains:

  • Thoth, Anax of Ýdron (60mm base)
  • Hanokh, Kentarch of Ýdron (60mm base)
  • Lilekha, Hydrargós of Ýdron (60mm base)
  • Spite of Ýdron, Khine Hydrar Unit (60mm bases) – 7x warriors
  • Malice of Ýdron, Flail Hydrar Unit (60mm bases) – 7x warriors

Files for all of the above are uploaded, but note that only the units are supported – we’ll add supported files for Thoth, Hanokh and Lilekha when they are sorted, which should be early next week.

Who are the Khthones?

The Khthones are not one race but many, a myriad of reptilian anthropomorphs created by the Atalantes to be their servants and their menials, vassals to die in battle for them and thralls to bend to their every will, whim or desire. For thousands of years the Khthones suffered this cruel slavery, years of pain and mutilation and barbarity, until their endurance was finally exhausted and the chains that bound them could be borne no more. Led by the Gorgon known as Ophios, the Gorgonares turned on their progenitors and slaughtered them, rousing Krokodar, Lískar, Hydrar and many others of the earth to unite and win freedom; yet the struggle to break free from Atalantia is not so simple, as vengeance must be served and the Atalantes are warriors still.

The Lands of Darkness

The Hydrar of Ýdron are perhaps the most barbarous warriors of all the Khthones, renowned for their savagery and their spite, their vicious temperament and their sheer malevolence, matched in wonder only by the breathtaking skills they employ and the debilitating poison within their bodies and upon their blades. They – more than any other host pledged to Ophios – delight in murder and wickedness, of killing for killing’s sake, and many choose to view them as a hindrance rather than an ally in retribution. Even so, it cannot be denied that the Hydra and the Skylla and the Ydris and indeed the quicksilver Hydrar themselves add particular, even necessary qualities to the vengeance sought in the name of Khthon.

Next month will see the Jutes return to our attention… but not as undead…

Until then, Keep it Mierce!

Quelle: Mierce Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Irgendwie passt der Übergang vom Torso zum Schlangenschwanz nicht so ganz.. finde ich zu schmal .. Danke

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