von BK-Bob | 11.01.2024 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Mierce Miniatures: Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host [NSFW]

Neues Jahr und es gibt ein neuen Battle Host beim Patreon  von Mierce Miniatures.

MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 1 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 2 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 3 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 4 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 5 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 6 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 7 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 8 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 9 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 10 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 11 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 12 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 13 MM Atalantes Kolossos Battle Host 14

Atalantes (Ilios) Kolossos Battle Host

It’s taken a little while to get things organised in terms of a proper post here, but all good things come to those who wait, or so my mum says.

Anyway: fresh from the hot presses of Mierce Towers comes a further exploration of the denizens of Atalantia, the Atalantes, focussing on those amazing kolossi!

This month you’ll get:

  • Haimon of Argyre, Semeiophoros of Ilios (x2 variants) (30mm base)
  • Nikandros, Vrilyarchon of Ilios (30mm base)
  • Baltazar, Thaumaturgós of Ilios (30mm base)
  • The Piercing Ones, Toxokolossos Unit (50mm bases)
  • The Searing Ones, Pyrokolososs Unit (50mm bases)
  • Athena Alpha, Thíkolossos (80mm base)
  • Athena Delta, Thíkolossos (80mm base)
  • Athena Gamma, Thíkolossos (80mm base)
  • Phix Alpha, Chiokolososs (110x60mm base)
  • Phix Delta, Chiokolososs (110x60mm base)
  • Iliatheos, Iliokolossos (100mm base)

All the files are ready now and downloadable at your desire!

Who are the Atalantes?

An ancient race of sea-farers and raiders with a long and troubled history of trade and war with civilisations thousands of miles from Atalantia, the Atalantes cling stubbornly to that crumbling land despite the encroaching seas and the efforts of their myriad enemies, much of whom were once their slaves. Indeed, such is the strife upon Atalantia that it is the will of many to return to their origins, as foolhardy as that may be, yet those still with their wits about them employ forbidden magic and unearthly weapons to keep their lands and their culture alive. Many believe their race is doomed – at least, upon Gæa – yet it would be foolish to discount the strength of their artifices and pay heed to the desires of fools, for the Atalantes have power yet.

The Lands of Darkness

Of all the city-states of Atalantia, Ilios – the City of the Sun – has perhaps the most astute citizens amongst the Atalantes, for they do not believe their path lies with the stars and decry those that do. Thus, the Ilioses plan and strategise against the myriad problems they are faced with upon this earth: the encroachment of the sea most of all, for lands are lost too frequently and Hephaestus sleeps poorly, and the growing strength of their former slaves and the raids of their enemies to the north and east. So it is that the Ilioses raise citizen-soldiers in numbers unheard of and turn to the ancient artifices that captured the power of the sun itself, the Colossi and the Tauroi and the Oplítes of bronze, for their pride is strong and they will resist the death of Atalantia until their dying breath.

You can learn more about the Atalantes on the Mierce Miniatures webstore and in the Lands of Darkness kindred guide!

2024 has begun, and it’s going to be amazing. February’s battle host will contain the first of our digital Fomoraic miniatures, including warriors of Baalor, shard beasts and more…!

Keep it Mierce, Miercenaries!

Quelle: Mierce Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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