von BK-Christian | 19.08.2024 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände, Warhammer 40.000

Micro Art Studio: Neues Imperial Gelände

Von Micro Art kommen neue MDF-Sets.

MAS Imperial All In One Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 1 MAS Imperial All In One Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 2 MAS Imperial All In One Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 3 MAS Imperial All In One Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 4 MAS Imperial All In One Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 5

Imperial All-in-one Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER – €412.05 €370.85

Preorder – These items will be sent after August 26th 2024 on a first in – first out basis.

Multicolor, prepainted (UV-printed) Imperial terrain.

This set contains enough terrain pieces for each WTC standard terrain layout: Light, Medium, Heavy.

For details please check the items included in the bundle.

  • 6 Large Ruins (6 sets of 1)
  • 8 Low Ruins (2 sets of 2)
  • 4 Containers (2 sets of 2)
  • 12 Footprints (2 sets of 6, 2 extra)
  • Scale: 28mm

Dedicated for Warhammer 40000 and other sci-fi tabletop games, manufactured in Poland by Micro Art Studio.

Miniatures and/or vehicles not included, shown for scale only.

These models are delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.
WW2 series scenery might prove demanding to assemble, dry fit parts before applying the glue to avoid mistakes. PVA (white) glue is recommended.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out. Parts are secured with a layer of protection paper, please remove it gently before assembly. Tiny paint chips may occur when removing the protective layer, if it happens so, use color marker or hobby paint to mask them.

MAS Imperial Medium Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 1 MAS Imperial Medium Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER 2

Imperial Medium Red WTC Bundle PREPAINTED PREORDER – €319.00 €287.10

Preorder – These items will be sent after August 26th 2024 on a first in – first out basis.

Multicolor, prepainted (UV-printed) Imperial terrain. For details please check the items included in the bundle.

This is for Medium WTC maps numbered 1-16 and contains:

  • 4 Large Ruins (4 sets of 1)
  • 6 Low Ruins (3 sets of 2)
  • 4 Containers (2 sets of 2)
  • 12 Footprints (2 sets of 6, 2 extra)
  • Scale: 28mm

Dedicated for Warhammer 40000 and other sci-fi tabletop games, manufactured in Poland by Micro Art Studio.

Miniatures and/or vehicles not included, shown for scale only.

These models are delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.
WW2 series scenery might prove demanding to assemble, dry fit parts before applying the glue to avoid mistakes. PVA (white) glue is recommended.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out. Parts are secured with a layer of protection paper, please remove it gently before assembly. Tiny paint chips may occur when removing the protective layer, if it happens so, use color marker or hobby paint to mask them.

MAS Imperial Walls Low Red (2) PREPAINTED PREORDER 1 MAS Imperial Walls Low Red (2) PREPAINTED PREORDER 2

Imperial Walls Low Red (2) PREPAINTED PREORDER – €32.95

Preorder – These items will be sent after August 26th 2024 on a first in – first out basis.

The Imperial Walls Low Red PREPAINTED set consists of two terrain pieces, dedicated for Warhammer 40000 and/or other sci-fi gaming systems.

Complementary with the Imperial Terrain Footprint 12×6″ product, includes positioning bits to settle the wall on top of the footprint.

This product has been redesigned to allow to be assembled both ways.

Single piece size:
Length: 24cm / 9in
Width: 14cm / 5in
Height: 13cm / 5,1in

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out. Parts are secured with a layer of protection paper, please remove it before assembly.

MAS Imperial Walls High Red (1) PREPAINTED PREORDER 1 MAS Imperial Walls High Red (1) PREPAINTED PREORDER 2 MAS Imperial Walls High Red (1) PREPAINTED PREORDER 3

Imperial Walls High Red (1) PREPAINTED PREORDER – €32.95

Preorder – These items will be sent after August 26th 2024 on a first in – first out basis.

The Imperial Walls High Red PREPAINTED set consists of one terrain piece, dedicated for Warhammer 40000 and/or other sci-fi gaming systems.

Complementary with the Imperial Terrain Footprint 12×6″ product, includes positioning bits to settle the wall on top of the footprint.

This product has been redesigned to allow to be assembled both ways.

Length: 24cm / 9in
Width: 14cm / 5in
Height: 24cm / 9,5in

This model is delivered as a pack, unassembled and PREPAINTED.
The parts of the model are designed to slot together in a way that enables a quick and easy assembly. It may be necessary to glue some parts of the model – use PVA (white) glue. Every model is cut from one or more panels of HDF (high-density fiberboard) of 3mm and/or 1,5mm thickness.

Attention: Before taking the elements out make sure they are fully cut. There are minor connections that prevent them from falling out. Parts are secured with a layer of protection paper, please remove it before assembly.

Quelle: Micro Art Studio


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Ich verstehe, dass das für einen speziellen Zweck einer speziellen Zielgruppe ist, aber auch farbig bedruckt sieht das dröge aus.

  • Ich finde es eigentlich ganz gut. Was fehlt ist halt Scatter, und ein paar andere Stücke zur Abwechslung. Vor allem die Bases sind aber eine gute Ergänzung um den Übergang auf die meist zu hellen Matten vernünftig zu gestalten (wobei das hier nicht mal die Intention zu sein scheint). Die Präsentation auf dieser Matte hier ist natürlich Murks, aber vllt will man auch genau die Bases deutlich machen?

  • Der Sinn von diesem WTC Schrottgelände ist doch billig planbares Gelände für Turnierspieler
    aber das hier ist nicht billig nur langweilig und häßlich

  • Ich weiß, der Gedanke ist, dass Gelände soll fair für ein Turnier sein, trotzdem finde ich die Vorlage des WTC grauenhaft. Entsprechend kann auch jeder noch so gut umgesetzt Versuch auch nur scheitern. Für das was es ist, finde ich es okay, mir persönlich wäre es zu teuer (vermutlich weil ich dieses Gelände einfach nicht haben will)

    Interessant finde ich, das ganze aus der Sicht der Miniaturen: „Hey, haben wir hier nicht schon mal gekämpft??“


  • Nichts killt meine liebe für dieses Hobby mehr als das erste Layout. Bei den andere kann man wenigstens so tun, als wäre das eine reale stadt die theoretisch so existieren könnte vom Layout…

  • Solange selbst der Tisch mit Kameras so aussieht, werden Turnier Streams nur eine kleine Zielgruppe ansprechen.

    Dachte mir oh spannend, WTC Stream, nach 20 Minuten wieder ausgemacht weil fast dauerhafte Vogelperspektive auf dieses #_#!&(@l Gelände.

    Dazu kommt hier der freche Preis, gibt’s auch für die Hälfte, selbst prepainted.

  • Kann mir jemand sagen welche der Angebote oben man benötig um jeweils einen Tisch für alle Missionen damit auszustatten?
    Rein interessehalber.

    Für ein Spiel unter Freunden würde ich das Gelände nie so aufstellen.
    Das sieht mir dann doch zu „generisch“ aus.

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